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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jun 26, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling4 6:02:19 104.14(3:29) 167.6(2:10) 1380
  Swimming1 15:00
  Total5 6:17:19 104.14 167.6 1380

» now

Sunday Jun 26, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 2:11:58 [3] 61.4 km (2:09 / km) +562m 2:03 / km

Shorter Sunday ride this week due to a morning rehearsal for F's end-of-year ballet concert (which was held in the afternoon and was rather spectacular - around 1000 kids from her ballet school put on a series of very well-choreographed pieces for around 3 hours - excellently done and very professional). Started out beautifully sunny but then clouded over after the first hour and even a few drops of rain as I finished up. Felt pretty tired the first 20km but then picked up for the second part. On the way back, I happened to latch on to a guy who was out doing some time trial training on a very fancy TT bike. This guy could certainly shift and, after I just managed to get into his slipstream, we belted along at a pretty handy 45kph on a flattish road. Impressive strength and I had to let him go after a couple of minutes at that pace, even with the benefit of tailgating him. He look ed pretty seriously fun! Nice ride back from there. A good day out.

Saturday Jun 25, 2016 #

3 PM

Swimming 15:00 [3]

First time swimming for quite a while. Took Freya and a couple of her friends down to the local pool for them to play, so took advantage and plodded up and down a few lengths. Felt crap the first 5 mins, then the muscles started remembering what to do and the rest felt quite nice. Good to be back in the pool. May make an effort to do a bit more swimming while I am away in Oz/NZ in July.

Friday Jun 24, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:14:31 [3] 36.4 km (2:03 / km) +202m 2:00 / km

Woke up to the news of the Brexit vote - very depressing and disappointing. Can't believe that teh UK went that way. The division between city and country and Scotland/Northern Ireland is very stark. Not sure if the UK electorate really understands what hey have just done.

Anyway, went out for a ride on another grey, but warm, morning. very good ride - not sure why, but was zooming along fairly effortlessly. had a PB on one Strava segment taht was very satisfying. Still some way off the KOM - I suspect some of those guys had motorised help :-).

Thursday Jun 23, 2016 #

1 PM

Cycling 1:13:05 [3] 33.4 km (2:11 / km) +302m 2:06 / km

Glorious sunny day and, as I missed teh morning ride due to lack of sleep and laziness, I decided to take a long lunch and sneak out for a ride in the sun. The Hippodrome Longchamp circuit was closed due a rock concert festival happening this weekend so forced to head out to Versailles and tangle with the traffic (of which there was a lot as there is a transport strike here in Paris today). But still, tried to find some quieter roads and mostly succeeded. Tried to ride the hills hard and mostly succeeded there as well. Nice and hot (30 deg ) ride. But got back to work a bit late - can't do this too often :-).

Wednesday Jun 22, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:22:45 [3] 36.4 km (2:16 / km) +314m 2:11 / km

Very grey and humid morning after a night of rain. But roads mostly dry by the time I got out. Usual morning loop and felt pretty good.

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