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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending May 15, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling2 4:05:39 66.24(3:43) 106.6(2:18) 870
  Total2 4:05:39 66.24(3:43) 106.6(2:18) 870

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Sunday May 15, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 2:43:50 [3] 72.0 km (2:17 / km) +623m 2:11 / km

Glorious sunny morning with a slight breeze. Headed out early for a spin in the countryside. Out to Versailles and then into the Vallee des Chevreuse via a Guyancourt and Voisins-les-Bretonneux. Took a new road to St Rémy des Chevreuse and it was a beauty. Nicely rolling through fields and forest and past some stunning houses. This is clearly where some rich folks have their country estates. The road back to Versailles is very up and down but cruised the hills nice and steadily. Back through Versailles and finished up with a couple of laps of Longchamp where I jumped into a pretty fast group and managed to avoid any crashes. The road was full of Sunday morning cyclists and it was quite chaotic and a miracle that no one came off (at least that I saw). Good ride and beat the clouds that built up over the last few km.

Saturday May 14, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:21:49 [3] 34.6 km (2:22 / km) +247m 2:17 / km

Had big intentions for this ride, but they all flew out the window when I woke up to grey, windy, cold weather and was also feeling the effects of a busy and draining week. So I steeled myself and still went out for a ride, although with limited enthusiasm and energy. Just did the usual loop through Sevres and focused on spinning up hills and not falling off. Glad to stop and have a nice shower and brekkie.

Friday May 13, 2016 #


Been a bad week for training. Spring rain has returned and I was away in Berlin for work for a few days so no cycling on the menu. Running has been curtailed by the soreness to the back of my right knee and hamstring. So a very quiet week on the exercise front unfortunately. The weekend forecast is for fine weather, although not as warm as last weekend, plus we have a three day weekend. So plan is for lots of cycling over the weekend. Hopefully the knee will get a little better as well.

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