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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jan 31, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling2 2:20:00 27.96 45.0
  Running3 1:53:11 12.99(8:43) 20.9(5:25) 81
  Total5 4:13:11 40.95 65.9 81

» now

Sunday Jan 31, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:45:00 [3] 45.0 km (2:20 / km)

Forgot to charge the Garmin so not sure how far I really went. It had been raining overnight so the roads were damp. It had stopped raining when I started on the road out to Versailles, but then the drizzle started when I reached Versailles and then it got heavier after that. Had been planning to do a longer ride, but decided to pull the plug as the rain didn't look like easing up any time soon. Fairly unpleasant and wet ride back home. Definitely in the Rule #9 category I hope!

Saturday Jan 30, 2016 #

6 PM

Running 30:54 [3] 5.8 km (5:20 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Got out in the evening for a run, after the heavy rain that had been the feature of the day had stopped. Needed the headlamp, but that added to the slightly adventurous feel of the run. Saw at least half a dozen others with headlamps running around the Bois, so a popular Saturday evening spot for something other than picking up transvestite hookers!

Friday Jan 29, 2016 #

8 AM

Running (Xiamen, China) 46:19 [3] 8.4 km (5:31 / km) +81m 5:16 / km
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Xiamen, China. Light rain and a slight breeze kept the pollution levels down and so it was great weather for a run. Not much choice about where to run here so just headed along the main coast road. Attracted plenty of stares from the local population, and there were a couple of other runners (both Chinese women) out and about this morning. Felt pretty good after a couple fo km and decided to open it up a bit on the way back. Nicely tired at the end of the run and this fitted perfectly with the plan to wear myself out before the long flight back to Paris later that day.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2016 #

6 PM

Running (Xiamen, China) 35:58 [3] 6.7 km (5:22 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

In Xiamen, China. Out for a late afternoon run after the flight from Beijing. Was raining lightly at the start but that cleared at half way. Then came the smog, which smelt strongly of coal. Not ideal conditions for running but I hope that it doesn't adversely affect my lungs too much! Not the most pleasant run I have had ...

Monday Jan 25, 2016 #

6 PM

Cycling (Beijing, China) 35:00 [3]

On the stationary bike in the hotel gym in Beijing. Felt pretty tired and heavy after a day of sitting around a meeting table and eating a Chinese banquet for lunch, but still managed to put in a good effort with 10 x 1 min hard / 1 min easy. Got bored after 35 mins and called it quits. Then headed out to a reception to re-fuel :-).

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