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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Nov 11, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 1:23:00 10.07(8:15) 16.2(5:07)
  Orienteering3 1:07:11 3.23 5.213 /13c100%
  Total5 2:30:11 13.3 21.413 /13c100%
averages - sleep:4.8

» now

Sunday Nov 11, 2012 #


Venice O Meet. With the 5th highest flood in history, and water knee deep across half of the city, the organizers delayed and delayed the start. They eventually decided to have a punching start with free order (start when you want) at around 11am. But by then it was too tight to be able to run and get to the airport. So decided to skip the race and head out to the airport. It had been a cold walk from the hotel to the event centre in knee deep water. The organisers should have cancelled the race altogether or delayed it until teh city had drained properly. But hey went ahead for a while, annoyed the local citizens and then had to cancel the race for later starters due to complaints. Hope they are allowed to run the race again next year!
10 AM

Orienteering warm up/down 15:00 [2]

Did a bit of a warmup in anticipation of getting a run. But everything delayed and chaotic and so abandoned any plan to race and headed out to teh airport to catch the flight to Dubai.

Saturday Nov 10, 2012 #

Orienteering warm up/down 15:00 [2]

1 PM

Orienteering race (Venice Park Race) 37:11 [5] *** 5.2 km (7:09 / km)
spiked:13/13c slept:7.0

Park race as precursor to the big race tomorrow. Thought it was supposed to be in the crappier/simpler eastern part of Venice, but it went right into the heart of the city. Great fun and really enjoyed. No problem with the orienteering, but then wasn't going too fast. Couple of small hesitations leaving controls and got held up by tourists across the Rialto bridge, but these were the only minor problems. Looking forward to tomorrow. Came in 25th. Winner did 28 something.

Thursday Nov 8, 2012 #

1 PM

Running intervals 30:00 [4] 5.7 km (5:16 / km)
slept:3.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Very late night last night and feeling like crap today. But decided to try and squeeze in a short run between meetings. As chance would have it, bumped into Nick and Mike in teh change room and so started out with them. Steady 15 min warm-up and then headed back to the office with 5 x 2 min H / 1 min E. Pace pretty pathetic (4.24, 4.25, 4.20, 4.16, 4.22) and HR issues again (this time I put it down to late nights and stress of too many things to be done and not enough time).

Venice not looking too good this weekend with floods and very high tide forecast for Sunday. If this comes about then the starts will be delayed (no good to me as it was going to be tight to get to the airport anyway) or the race will be cancelled (in which case I will have a lovely relaxing weekend in Venice).

Tuesday Nov 6, 2012 #

12 PM

Running 53:00 [3] 10.5 km (5:03 / km)
slept:4.5 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Easy run in glorious sunny (but cool) weather. With Mike and Carol. Took it easy on the route along the Seine and back through the Bois. Legs feeling surprisingly good despite the big training weekend.

Looking forward to Venice O this weekend. Will be a bit of a scramble though. Start time of 11.07 with a plane to Dubai (for work) to catch at 15.20. So no slacking after the race - no shower, run straight back to hotel, get changed, grab bag and get to the bus for the airport. Should be manageable, but better not take too long on the course :-)

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