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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running5 4:09:36 24.54(10:10) 39.5(6:19) 200
  Total5 4:09:36 24.54(10:10) 39.5(6:19) 200
averages - sleep:6.5

» now

Sunday Jan 16, 2011 #

11 AM

Running 28:00 [2] 5.0 km (5:36 / km)
shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Easy run to test out teh achilles. not too bad after a week's rest and some stretching. A bit stiff afterwards, but promising.

Monday Jan 10, 2011 #

10 AM

Running race (La 77 - Circuit B) 1:25:30 [3] **** 7.8 km (10:58 / km) +200m 9:43 / km

Circuit B of teh La 77 race day. Seems like a slow km rate, but it was 33 cntrols in 7.8km in a wet and heavy forest - beautiful though tough going. Had some heart trouble and felt like i was right on the edge the whole time. Had forgotten the Garmin and so don't have anything to back it up, but badly out of shape. Still, came third on the course.

Sunday Jan 9, 2011 #

9 AM

Running 30:00 [3] 5.5 km (5:27 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: kayano 12.5

Ouch. Tried to squeeze in a morning run before the day got too busy and paid the price with a sore left achilles. Felt tender within a few mins of starting and gradually got worse, but not so bad as to stop and do teh walk of shame back home. Tender to touch and sore to stretch. Ice and antinflammatories seems to be helping.

Friday Jan 7, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 1:03:00 [3] 12.3 km (5:07 / km)
ahr:130 max:167 slept:6.0 shoes: kayano 12.5

Steady run just trying to get back into the swing of things. One of the traps of the Garmin is to try and run to a pace rather than just running as one feels like. This was teh case today as I started out with a couple of slower runners, then headed off on my own for a efw km and then bumped into Breet, an old friend from Canberra, who was jogging along slowly and so spent a few km with him. When not with the company, i felt obliged to run faster even though I didn't really feel like it, just because teh watch was taunting me to run faster.

Tuesday Jan 4, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 43:06 [4] 8.9 km (4:51 / km)
ahr:140 max:205 slept:7.0 shoes: kayano 12.5

Interval run, interrupted by a heart episode. 4x1km, with 2 mins rest. First one went well at 4.06, but then heart went beserk on second interval and just wouldnd up walking jogging in 5.30. Then had a good 3 min rest and let heart rate come way down before starting final two intervals. managed the pace a lot slower to stave off heart issue and ran them in 4.17 and 4.11. Finished up well. Still feeling a bit strained in right groin, but doesn't seem to inhibit running. Would rather run in teh heat than teh cold though.

Saturday Jan 1, 2011 #


New Year and time to reflect. It was a frustrating year as I put in some good training, but was inconsistent overall. I had high expectations of good O results, but too often was let down by one blow-up control or by heart rate issues, generally when leading the race.Highlights of 2010:

- Good win in the Nationale in the Parc des Volcans
- Good half marathon race and qualifying for NY Marathon

Lowlights of 2010:

- IDF Champs - was on song and well in front, then lost 6 mins at second last control, which set the pattern for the year.
- French Champs - easy course that should have suited, trained well, and was in lead after 1km, but then heart rate blew up.
- French Relay Champs - having a great race and then got caught in brambles for 15 minutes, disaster.
- Mis-punching at both 3 day races this year.

Plans for 2011:

- Train consistently and smartly (more threshold runs and good long runs)
- Take up mountain biking
- Run NY marathon (November)
- Run a mountain race in June/July

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