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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Jun 30, 2018:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running1 1:01:01 5.84(10:27) 9.4(6:29)
  Total1 1:01:01 5.84(10:27) 9.4(6:29)

» now

Saturday Jun 30, 2018 #

11 AM

Running hills 1:01:01 [4] 9.4 km (6:29 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Last weekend's races in the Vercors drove home my lack of fitness and strength on hills. With the O'Ringen and Lakes 5 Days both featuring hilly terrain, I decided I need some last minute training on hills. a bit late and a bit desperate, but better than nothing I suppose. So drove half way to Parc de St Cloud (saving 6km of dead running) and headed onto the hilly tracks just inside the park. Did a longish (750m) hard run up a relatively gentle hill then 4 times a short steep hill (200m) that I have used for hill reps in the past. Was much slower than I was a few years ago (of course!) but put in a good effort (1.22, 24, 26, 29). Followed up with another hard run up the longer hill then 2km effort trying to keep around 5min/km (4.54, 5.01) on the way back to the car. Very hot (30 degrees) and so was pretty wrecked by the time I got back home.

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