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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Feb 11, 2018:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running1 1:01:30 7.27(8:28) 11.7(5:15)
  Total1 1:01:30 7.27(8:28) 11.7(5:15)

» now

Sunday Feb 11, 2018 #

9 AM

Running 1:01:30 [3] 11.7 km (5:15 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Joined Doug and Enrique for the first 10km of their planned 32km long run as part of their preparation for the Paris Marathon. We headed down along the Seine towards Issy-les-Molineaux, a track that I had never done before and so saw a few new bits of the Paris suburbs. The Seine flooding had subsided quite a way but had left a layer of very slick mud on the river side paths, so we had to stick to the streets. But even there we had trouble with icy patches that required walking pace. I peeled off after 10km and ran a km to the nearest metro, which was on the direct line back home. The guys went on for a lap of Parc de St Cloud and then did the last 8km of the Paris Marathon course through the Bois. Takes me back to the good old days of marathon training, which, thankfully, are behind me!

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