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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Aug 14, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running1 1:02:26 5.59(11:10) 9.0(6:56) 348
  Total1 1:02:26 5.59(11:10) 9.0(6:56) 348

» now

Monday Aug 14, 2017 #

8 AM

Running (Malvern) 1:02:26 [3] 9.0 km (6:56 / km) +348m 5:49 / km
shoes: Kayano 23

Woke to a very wet and rainy morning so decided to give the hills a miss and head westwards from the accommodation and explore the countryside using roads and public footpaths and bridleways. Lots of fun exploring the area and trying to figure out where the public paths went - they were poorly signposted and I had to engage in a bit of guesswork and do a few cross-country links and short forest runs to get to somewhere that looked like it might take me back to where I started. Rain had passed on towards the end and so I headed up on to the hills for a short circuit to finish up with.

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