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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending May 7, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 1:08:22 6.4(10:41) 10.3(6:38) 19127 /28c96%
  Total2 1:08:22 6.4(10:41) 10.3(6:38) 19127 /28c96%

» now

Sunday May 7, 2017 #

10 AM

Orienteering warm up/down 17:28 [2] 2.5 km (6:59 / km)
shoes: Asics Noosa Tri

Easy warm up jog to the start and then through the back streets of Montmartre.
11 AM

Orienteering race 50:54 [5] *** 7.8 km (6:32 / km) +191m 5:49 / km
spiked:27/28c shoes: Asics Noosa Tri

Paris City O Race, Butte de Montmartre, Supervets (H50+55), 6th place (out of 71 - quite pleasing). Have been really looking forward to this race for a while and it didn't disappoint. Very good map, great area, and very good planning resulted in a very enjoyable event. The area is not quite as tricky as some other urban O areas wrt multi-levels and the like, but it has lots of tourist areas (the most crowded of which are marked on the map) and some serious climb to contend with. It was quite a wet day and the roads were quite slippery. I was fairly cautious but still took a nasty spill towards the end of the course, which required a trip to the ambulance afterwards and some serious cleaning up of a deep cut/graze to my left elbow.

Got off to a good start - was focused on not blowing the first few controls but it turns out I had the fastest split to the first control. Then steady through the following controls with the climb starting to increase between the controls. Would eventually go over the hill five times during the course, with lots of the famous Montmartre stairs - these started to get very tiring the 4th and 5th time over the hill :-). Route choices were fun, especially trying to decide whether to go around or through the crowded areas near Sacre Coeur and the art market (I decided to go through on most occasions and had fun dodging the tourists. The only slight time wasted near controls was at #22 where I hesitated at two controls just before the correct one.

Long leg to #24 was another up and over affair, skirting around the edge of the art market. Was flying down the road towards the control, moving very quickly and feeling good as the end of the course was near, when my foot slid out on a wet, paved corner. Went down very hard in front of a bunch of tourists. My left elbow took the brunt of the fall and I gouged a great lump out of it that immediately started bleeding profusely. Was quite winded but picked myself up with the help of a couple of bystanders. Quick assessment and continued on, a little more cautiously - am probably in a number of Japanese tourists' photos! Blood streaming onto the map made it a little hard to read the last few controls and had to keep wiping the blood off. Still finished relatively strongly, with the fastest split for the second last control. Went straight to the ambulance, which was parked near the finish line, and provided four young paramedics with some practice. No major damage but quite sore the rest of the day.

Overall, a good result. The spill cost me a minute according to the splits - that would have put me in 4th place (4th and 5th were within 20 secs), but still another minute or two to the top three. Now looking forward to the London City Race in September!

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