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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Jun 3, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 1:01:59 4.23(14:40) 6.8(9:07) 11015 /18c83%
  Total1 1:01:59 4.23(14:40) 6.8(9:07) 11015 /18c83%
averages - sleep:9

» now

Sunday Jun 3, 2012 #

11 AM

Orienteering race (Nationale NE) 1:01:59 [5] **** 6.8 km (9:07 / km) +110m 8:26 / km
spiked:15/18c slept:9.0 (sick) shoes: Inov 8 O shoes

A surprisingly good race after such a crap run yesterday, and despite the lingering cold. Ina complete contrast to yesterday, it was cold and raining today. But I got into the race quite quickly and didn't feel too bad for the first couple of controls and even started to enjoy running in the only nice bit of forest between controls 2 and 3 - it was the only white bit of forest all course and was a beautiful clean forest on the side of a hill. Helps that I spiked the control nicely after a long hillside traverse. The rest of the course was through either scattered trees with large clumps of gorse, or green forest. Managed to get around in good shape, ran well, made about 4.30 worth of errors, including 2 mins on one control when i took the wrong route choice and then bailed and doubled back to go a much more sensible circuitous route. Lesson from that little error was to keep it simple. Didier caught up 4 mins on me towards the end (around 13) and we exchanged lead for the rest of the course, although he got away from me towards the end when I decided to be cute and try a different route choice for a short leg. He beat me to the finish by 20 secs.

Overall, a very satisfying run. Came in 5th in H50, with Didier winning in 56.09, and only three minutes off third place. Nice result after yesterday's debacle.

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