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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Aug 22, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 1:16:18 5.22(14:37) 8.4(9:05) 120
  Total1 1:16:18 5.22(14:37) 8.4(9:05) 120

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Saturday Aug 22, 2009 #

Orienteering warm up/down 20:00 [2] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)

Easy jog. Felt good before the race.

Orienteering race 56:18 [3] **** 6.4 km (8:48 / km) +120m 8:03 / km
shoes: Jalas

French Championships, H50, 6th place. Not a good run. Started well and spiked the first three controls and was in the lead. Made a minute error at the third control, got to the right area and turned right instead of left, not too bad. Set off on the long leg and picked a good route. Running well and then started to feel tired (after only 20 mins running). Spiked teh long leg control and then the next one was straightforward. Still doing well overall in close third place, well placed to launch a good last half of teh race and win teh thing. But then the the wheels fell off physically. Felt very tired and heavy and out of breath and could barely drag myself through the forest. Have no idea what went wrong but can speculate that it was poor nutrition the last couple of days, particularly the night before. Also I had an unintentional poor night sleep the nice before. Had trouble getting to sleep and had left sleeping pills in teh car and didn't make teh effort to go get them. drifted in and out of sleep all night, but still felt okay in the morning.

anyway, struggled around teh rest of teh course. Had a couple of misses in the tricky last few controls but was beyond caring really. Very disappointing.


In hindsight, this disappointing outcome was due to a few factors:

- poor eating teh day before. should have had a proper lunch and dinner (esp the latter)
- after i made the first error, i raised the pace to make up some time on the long leg. this may have been a mistake and may have sent me into oxygen debt.
- could have taken an energy gel along and sucked it down when things started to go wrong. Open to speculation.
- keep expectations in check. this was my race to win, but just had to focus on the race.

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