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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  run6 2:57:49 3.11 5.0
  orienteering1 1:20:00 3.11(25:45) 5.0(16:00)
  cross country1 36:00 3.11(11:35) 5.0(7:12)
  Total8 4:53:49 9.32 15.0

» now

Sunday May 31, 2009 #

orienteering 1:20:00 [3] 5.0 km (16:00 / km)

realy realy bad. and i'm going to blame my extentin maths exam that i have tomorow for geting the quadratic formula stuck in my head. felt pretty good running but skrewed up number 4 and number 8. some guys on motorbikes started to talk to me just before i skrewed up.


i think that i might be going out to killingworth tomorow to tag sites for our newcastle minor event

Saturday May 30, 2009 #

run 34:23 [3]

didn't feel too bad. little bit cold to start with but by the time i got going it was better.

Thursday May 28, 2009 #

run 17:00 [3]

went for a run but it started raining so i turned back kind of cold

btw i hav been doing stuff but just not loging it because i've been STUDYING

Thursday May 14, 2009 #

run 40:00 [3]

felt pretty good didn't go all the way to the swansea bridge because their was a bunch of swansea rats drinking and smoking in the middle of the path.

Monday May 11, 2009 #

run 26:30 [3] 5.0 km (5:18 / km)

pretty much the same as the caves beach cross country felt pretty good much better than saturday

Sunday May 10, 2009 #


drove for the first time today pretty fun until stupid people decide to stand in the middle of the road

Saturday May 9, 2009 #

cross country 36:00 [3] 5.0 km (7:12 / km)

realy realy realy bad
might hav had to do with the amount of sleep that i got last night but meh!
legs just didn't want to work


yay got my L's this morning

Thursday May 7, 2009 #

run 30:27 [3]

planed to run down the beach and back but it was high tide so i ran along the track next to it

Tuesday May 5, 2009 #

run (hill top) 29:29 [3]

just a short run felt all right

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