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Training Log Archive: GM

In the 1 days ending Nov 21, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running1 1:38:50
  Total1 1:38:50

» now

Sunday Nov 21, 2010 #

8 AM

Running long 1:38:50 [3]
shoes: asics GT-2150 #2

Cockies Sunday run from Hackett with Acejase, Devil, JLA, Lachy, Kerrin, and Scotty. MaryMac did her ususal solo, and Belinda and Phoebe did their duet. Only made it there with a minute to go so no time for a warm up today.

Today was Triple Tri day so we tried to avoid running on the same narrow track at the same time as the TT'ers. Around the base of Ainslie then up the concrete path to the top - Devil had the bit between his teeth today and we made it to the bottom of Ainslie in very quick time. From the top of Ainslie down via Tricky Track - saw Stuey Doyle in the lead powering up the hill. Over Hackett Hill where we started to see quite a few TT'ers, including Garry, and a few non-TT'ers including MaryMac. At the saddle it was the usual question of where to, and Jo had a big smile on her face and said 'Up Majura', so we did. Took the path to the left then the zig-zag walking track and finally up the fire trail to the top. Back down the same way, but staying on the walking track all the way to the cars.

I felt good today and ran the whole way ie. no walking on any of the hills.

Breakfast at Wilburs, where the guy was a bit put out that we hadn't organised in advance to put some tables together. We only decided to go there about 5 minutes before. Joined by Jose and Jules for breakfast. I am getting to be a big fan of the chocolate milkshake as a post-run replenishment; that and muesli and coffee.

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