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Training Log Archive: Post

In the 1 days ending Jan 22, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycle1 2:53:49 43.72(3:59) 70.36(2:28)
  Weights1 45:00
  Total1 3:38:49 43.72 70.36

» now

Monday Jan 22, 2007 #

Cycle long (Lemond Tourmalet) 2:53:49 [4] 70.36 km (2:28 / km)

Longest ride i've done in a while. A good test for my new road bike, a really smooth ride now that i don't have to lug the rockhopper around anymore! Gears change seamlessly, beautiful. I forgot what a pleasure it is to ride a road bike.

Headed south, herdsman lake, then along mounts bay road along the river to cott, fremantle, then back up along the south via pt walter through applecross, como, south perth. Had a coffee with dad in the city then back home!

Weights (E1 - low weigths hi reps) 45:00 [3]

lat pulldown - 3 sets of 14, 30kg
upright row - 3 sets of 14, 30kg
db pull ups - 3 sets of 12, 10kg
db curls - 3 sets of 14, 8kg
barbell - 3 sets of 14, 12.5kg
hammers - 3 sets of 12, 9kg
incline seat curls - 2 sets of 14, 7kg

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