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Training Log Archive: brycec

In the 1 days ending Jun 22, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Rogaining1 22:03:00 37.28(35:29) 60.0(22:03) 102533c
  Total1 22:03:00 37.28(35:29) 60.0(22:03) 102533c

» now

Saturday Jun 22, 2013 #

12 PM

Rogaining race (Pikes Pursuit - Winter 24) 22:03:00 [4] 60.0 km (22:03 / km) +1025m 20:19 / km
33c shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Emma had decided that the words winter and the number 24 was not her cup of tea – as a result I hooked up with Ian Spencer to do the rogaine. This was my first 24hr and given the forecast had rain predicted was concerned before the day.

Ian had me sold on the need for extra layers because of how cold it would be – I thought it was a bit ott but did end up packing a lot more.

Got to event about 9:45 after meeting up in Armadale and proceed to bust out the new pin board kit. Such an easy way to plan! We plotted out something that would require us flogging ourselves for 24hrs with a near perfect run however it had a lot of good options to cut it short at point which we both knew was likely.

Geared up and good to go. I think a lot of teams went for 102 first and was a nice start – however Ian was weezing up the first hill – was concerned at that but he just said its just his asthma and hell settle in soon – which he did.

We hit 47 and 93 flush and then aimed off for 103… we found 67 – there seemed to be a steady string of teams doing the same. Funny thing on my gps trace however was on the way to 103 I though we should be pretty much there now and said to Ian – I feel like your bearing right to me and dragging me a bit whats your bearing – it had been off. So we correct due north for a short while. Had we realised how long this had been or corrected for longer we would have landed flush on the point but we didn’t hence got sucked into 67 when we saw people coming in on a different angle…

Went back grabbed the 100 pointer then proceeded to 81, 94, 77 all nice and exactly where expected. This was farm land area and even though I had used the cycling gloves tip for bared wire… still managed to spike (scratch) my finger – bugger.

Some point here in the early stages Ian let me know his back was getting sore from his pack and this is when I realised he didn’t have the waist belt on or if it was it was very loose – fixed that problem and he was much happier.

66, 84, 104, 36, 48 all pretty much on the money – a trend was developing though that we were slightly right of the point and our pace counting was always about 100m short.

On point 48 we found 2 kids thought school champs who had got lost but no just some teenagers having at the 24hr. they must have almost been off the map from the position they came from so helped them out there.

48- 65 we took a long break on the way to get into night kit was about 530 with light dying fast. I think also Ian was feeling fatigued. I was however feeling really good. Pace had been on the money (between 4-3km/hr) up until this point maybe slowing a little over the last few points.

65 hit it and headed off towards 85 – water was running very low (empty) and wasn’t a drop for ages… oh no. 85 -55 – “hey Ian hows you water situation” – “don’t know will have a look at 55”. At 55 – Ian had about 1/2L and I was bone dry. Changed our course to drop 30 points and go via a water stop a lot sooner.

Picked up 101 then hit the road straight to the water drop at 60. Pretty sure at this point I realised the water problem for me was the leaking nozzle on my camelpac – might have to replace this because I ran dry later in rogaine and I have never run dry on any previous event and we weren’t exactly pushing it so I wasn’t sucking down the water! Also sure at this point I had very bad chaffing going on in one of the only places I didn’t think to put vaso… I have learnt!

Point 60 god send – 3L of water, powerade satchels in – had a sandi, neurofen, vaso, carboshot… basically reset for a good start again here. Happy for dropping 20,71,40 for this. And also the road walking was lovely on the body and reasonably quick. Hit 49 and got it with ease then back to the road to attack on 52.

We had veered right again and corrected left – I felt we were short and Ian thought we were not far enough left… After some passive aggressive moments between us and some flaky reasoning we swooped far left then came back right on a forward angle with our maximum allowed spread to cover as much ground as possible. Hit the point in front of us – however in fairness the swing left and hitting the incline on the left probably helped us find the point in front of us.

Pace was very slow now – Ian was struggling with the cold air in his lungs and particularly on the uphill I was happy enough because at 25-30min per km my only issue was cooling down too much. Had a break at most points and on most uphills a few breaks - but we where hitting points in the dark and it wasn’t so much an issue. 51, 90, 30 all good. Along road before to bend and stopped before attacking 105. 105, 86,72 all reasonable over shot 72 a bit but was more of a check if there was another gully for 72 there wasn’t so only a few minutes lost.

Back to 31 – I wasn’t in a good place mentally because of the chaffing now. And I think Ian had shutdown while ago with fatigue and the cold air was smashing him. Hit the granite on the way alright – wasn’t sure which part of the granite we came in on or exited. I wasn’t pace counting this bit but Ian had and I felt like we were close but short of the point when he said I think its around here. Sadly I had also had a feeling like oh it could have been the peak I just came over. We scouted around a bit quickly – but had come off our bearing and I was completely disoriented in the dark. Looks like a blip on my gps so we didn’t scout as much as I thought and it now appears I basically walked over my original course not to the left/ right of it – bugger. However felt it was further so we trudged on. We got to the point which I thought we would have been on it but the hill felt too big for what was on the map. In hindsight I think the point was on this hill but we didn’t scout it right. We looped around the hill as we thought it was the hill after point 31 and decided to go to road. Both of us in pretty bad places. On our route out we both saw a group of bushes in a gully but it was on out left we both thought and said it could be that but had sold in our minds it was the wrong hill and both agreed not worth looking at. Pretty sure now (waiting for RG to confirm this) that the point was on the other side of those trees.

Getting to the road took FOREVER don’t know why but it was BAD BAD BAD. I was really hurting on the chaffing factor, I had again run out of water, communication wasn't great because we were both in bad head space after missing 31 and worse yet we both felt lost because we were supposed to have hit the road about 15 minutes before we did!

Road oh how I love you – Day break here and got out of night kit. Pace had slowed so badly over the night period and I was hurting reasonably bad. Could also see Ian was exhausted. Our plan had been to hit 61(water) and go back north – but we knew that wasn't going to work so we hit 61 had a break for a while then we road back towards hash house to clear out the points closer.

Opted to not get 21 and rather just go along to 33 grab that 64,76 and 83. Went in early on 33 and Ian almost took out his leg on a branch – he was now in a bit of pain so back to the road and slowly along to 33 which was actually further up the road. 64 – we hit fine but by this point we had started to go a little silly.

We got pulled by another team slightly off bearing for 76 and ended up feeling lost again and getting frustrated with each other – we thought we were closer a lot sooner than was reality which lead to a lot of issues – had it been night time no chance of finding this point. For the last point 83 proper concentration mode on. Again where well short – probably because step sizes where tiny now – need a way to compensate for that over time – but alas found the point in reasonable time and then went home.

21hrs and 23 mins iphone trace died on way to 76 pretty much on first hill out of 64. It died at 57.24km and climb of 996m So I have taken the liberty of rounding it up to 60km and 1025m which felt a reasonable assumption. Also didn't wear HRM because it chaffed me last time - probably could of but didn't see value this time round.

Overall pretty happy with the rogaine as was Ian and even more so when we realised we came 9th. Now in before Ricky points out that’s really about 12th because the proper teams aren't there. Too bad I am still claiming top 10 .

Problems wise –
Chaffing #1 – but I know how to combat that and will make sure im fully lubed next time!
Blisters – even with compeed, injinjis and salomons still got blisters –but really not complaining about them because the big toe ones are expected and will go in a day or so – in fact 1 is gone the day after. Left foot has had a spot which has been getting smashed at every Orienteer event and it came up – but its gone over night. Finally both heals had 1 on each side the worst being the site of the massive blister from the 12hr which was still recovering. That one spot is the only one giving me grief today and I think will be down tomorrow – so very much satisfied with that result. However – had we been moving faster might have been worse.
Nails – Winner winner chicken dinner - no issues. So sorry to those looking forward to me ripping off the big toe nail today – it aint happening not yet anyway.
Muscles – nothing which I didn't expect – I am sure running out of water didn't help but generally better than I was expecting. Again speed probably played a factor here.

Had a 1.5 hr sleep after a super quick HH feed but before results then went home this is when it started to rain – was very happy that rain held off! Good feed when I got home well 2 of them – a hot bath and into bed by about 8 for an 11hr solid sleep. Today – good to go.

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