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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Dec 21, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  swimming1 1:00:00
  Hills1 1:00:00 3.73(16:06) 6.0(10:00)
  Running1 1:00:00 2.49(24:08) 4.0(15:00)
  Total3 3:00:00 6.21 10.0

» now

Tuesday Dec 17, 2013 #

5 PM

Running 1:00:00 [2] 4.0 km (15:00 / km)

Went for another little run along the waterfront with Jamie. He is not in as much pain as the first time out. He is going to do just fine in Ottawa and I think he will complete the 10k in one hour if not just under :)
7 PM

swimming 1:00:00 [2]

Double down tonight. First a run and then a swim. The speedo made its first appearance on deck tonight. Not sure if it made him any faster but it was a site to behold, lol! I have also come to the conclusion that swimming is much more technical than running. Never thought I would say that but man I suck at trying to get my arms to do what they are suppose to do in the water.

Monday Dec 16, 2013 #

Hills 1:00:00 [3] 6.0 km (10:00 / km)

Running to Magill got my three hill repeats in which was the minimum and was told if I only put in minimum effort I will have minimal results and really who want's that, so ran another hill and walked the last one. Paul kept me and the girls going so it was bearable. Paul also told Julia she has to start putting in more effort also if she wants to pace Don for the full marathon. Plus, drum roll please, I actually earned the trophy! Didn't need to nominate myself! That little trophy has so much control on our effort I love it!

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