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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Nov 9, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 2:01:00 9.2(13:09) 14.8(8:11)
  swimming2 2:00:00 1.24(1:36:34) 2.0(1:00:00)
  Trail run1 1:10:00 3.73(18:47) 6.0(11:40)
  Total6 5:11:00 14.17(21:57) 22.8(13:38)

» now

Saturday Nov 9, 2013 #

Trail run 1:10:00 [2] 6.0 km (11:40 / km)

Trail run with the Runs. Nice pace and had to do "can't do it hill" not once but twice! This is when my muscle memory kicked in and pretty much said "wtf" so I ended up walking up it more than running it the second time around. Other than that it was a good work out this morning.

Thursday Nov 7, 2013 #

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

Swimming with The Runs and practiced more technique than speed with drills, drills and more drills. Ice cream again afterwards with the gang which is always nice.

Wednesday Nov 6, 2013 #

Running 46:00 [3] 6.0 km (7:40 / km)

Ran in the rain and wind but I didn't mind. Kept up with Anita there and on way back she passed me but then caught up to her again and we finished together with a negative split!! Gotta say it was hard but it was a good run I just felt good about this one probably because it was a faster pace for me and I was able to keep up. No comment on the weigh in, lol!

Tuesday Nov 5, 2013 #

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

One kilometer in the pool as usual. Mixed things up by swimming with just a fist and then adding a finger after each length. So much easier with fingers. Saw Judy and family there but didn't get a chance to talk with them, sorry about that Judy.

Monday Nov 4, 2013 #

Running 25:00 [1] 3.0 km (8:20 / km)

Not sure of time because I didn't look at my watch at the start or end of our run. Nice easy pace with Grace who didn't stop at all except at the turnaround.

Sunday Nov 3, 2013 #

Running 50:00 [2] 5.8 km (8:37 / km)

Kinda did the Santa Shuffle route with The Runs this morning. On route for a bit but who knew there were two hospitals along the way. Anyway went around the second hospital then headed east and ran on the beach with Lory for a bit. Then turned around headed back and waited for Fawn and we ran/walked it in together.

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