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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Jul 6, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  swimming2 1:30:00 0.93 1.5
  Running1 1:00:00
  5lb weights for arms1 35:00 6.21(5:38) 10.0(3:30)
  Trail run1 25:00 1.86(13:25) 3.0(8:20)
  Total4 3:30:00 9.01 14.5

» now

Saturday Jul 6, 2013 #

7 AM

Running 1:00:00 [3]

Had to go to the track today because we didn't do it Wednesday :( Good thing is no one was there so I could be super fast, lol! 4 x 400 warm up, 5 x 400 run and then to our surprise we had to do 5 x 100 m sprints. Thought I was going to hate it but I actually liked it and would prefer to do this then going around the track.

Thursday Jul 4, 2013 #

5lb weights for arms 35:00 [3] 10.0 km (3:30 / km)

Trying to do some brick work today with a bike ride then a swim later. Actually got out of the house while Julia was at a friends house, shhh don't tell her I left, lol! Need to get some more biking in for the up coming triathlon which I am not 100% committed to doing yet. Always nice down by the waterfront even if it is stinking hot and humid. I so deserve an ice cream tonight!

swimming 1:00:00 [3] 1.5 km (40:00 / km)

Pool was crowded but got our 1.5k in. Saw Marc there with Daniel so that was nice. Got a little chat in with him between lengths but then it was back to business.

Wednesday Jul 3, 2013 #

8 PM

Trail run 25:00 [3] 3.0 km (8:20 / km)

Was suppose to do some track work but the track was super busy with at least 6 or 7 groups already sharing the lanes. Was I upset about this? Hell no! We decided to do a fast tempo run through the trail with Rob leading us. Let me tell you it was fast and we didn't even get a little break until we turned around and even then it was only for about a minute. Thought I was running with Don a few times, lol! Thinking the track may have to wait until the fall, well at least I hope so.

Monday Jul 1, 2013 #

swimming 30:00 [2]

Another day up at Lakefield and it was not busy at all for Canada Day. All the swimmers must have swam at Pickering Rec instead, lol! Julia and I made it across the bay in record time, first time crossing so I can say it was record time. Paul and Grace even had to catch up with us since we were so fast. Wasn't swimming the whole time in water before crossing the bay but was treading water for a bit with kids while they played.

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