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Discussion: shoes

in: Anna; Anna > 2014-03-30

Apr 2, 2014 1:38 AM # 
matzah ball:
what were they?...

Apr 3, 2014 2:48 AM # 
They're mudclaws! Who would've thought non-studded shoes could be so grippy?
Apr 14, 2014 11:18 AM # 
I just saw this here and I'm curious about your Mudclaw experience. Were the rocks wet? I ran in Mudclaws yesterday and found wet rock to be deadly. The grip through the undergrowth was great, but I ended up very carefully stepping only on vegetation or dirt/mud instead of rock (even if dry) on any steep stuff. I want to know whether it was just my imagination and I was being a pansy or if they actually are appropriately grippy. :-)
Apr 14, 2014 11:44 AM # 
Cristina, are your mudclaws new? I found that out of the box mine were terrrrrible on wet rock, and even not-wet rock, but once I had worn down the pointier part of the tread, they had similar stickiness to the x-talons on dry rock. Still not amazing on wet rock, though.
Apr 14, 2014 12:05 PM # 
I've had them for a couple of years but haven't worn them much... because it's usually wet here. :-) I haven't yet experienced the sticky grip with them. Maybe I have a particularly stubborn pair!
Apr 14, 2014 1:28 PM # 
The rock was wet! At West Point they seemed *slightly* less grippy. Maybe it depends on the type of rock?

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