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Discussion: harsh but fair

in: AC; AC > 2013-03-25

Mar 28, 2013 12:06 AM # 
your weigh ins always seem to have a similar commentary added to them! :)
Mar 28, 2013 5:53 AM # 
Best of intentions and full of excuses :-)
Mar 28, 2013 6:27 AM # 
i find it the best technique with weight monitoring. How tall are you? I'm 190cm - I wouldve thought you were similar height or taller. maybe we should have some sort of challenge?
Mar 28, 2013 2:45 PM # 
Oooo .. a challenge. That could be just the ticket! I am 194cm - and shrinking over time :-).
Mar 28, 2013 7:22 PM # 
Well I started the year in the 84kg zone and am more like 81kg now. Problem is my main motivating goal, 6ft track, is over. I'm not sure how to frame the challenge from there... Maybe I have to aim for 78 and you 82?
Mar 29, 2013 9:54 PM # 
78 is quite a drop! I would be happy with 83 with 82 good as a stretch goal. what's the stake?
Mar 31, 2013 9:27 AM # 
Maybe I should go for 79 and 78 the stretch goal. I can't think how to do a stake. Something that can be posted? An item from an online running store like wiggle? I'm not think a big stake. Or just the moral victory? A coffee and ill transfer the $4 (it's prob $8 in Paris! ) to your account if I lose?
Mar 31, 2013 7:34 PM # 
I think we can make it a coffee and cake after a run in Canberra when I am next there. More importantly is the time frame :-). From my perspective, it would be good to be at fighting weight by the French Champs in late August. So reaching 83 (82 as the stretch goal) by 25 August. How does that time frame fit with your races this year?

I see you are down at the Easter event. Looks like a great event. I hop ethe dnf today doesn't indicate an injury. I have very vivid memories of the 1984 Vic Champs on Mt Alexandra. Hot day and brutal course led to a huge hurl of green bile at the end of the H21E course. Very tough day in the office that day! Hope it is going okay down there.
Apr 1, 2013 10:04 AM # 
25 August is fine with me and coffee and cake in Canberra sounds v gd. You're on! I will shoot for 78. It's a stretch but the time might help focus.

No injuries fortunately. Got a bad dose of the flu last week which became throbbing sinusitis yesterday. Some good drugs late in the day fixed me up for today. Hoggster unstoppable though.
Apr 1, 2013 2:59 PM # 
Good result today. Thank heavens for drugs! I will go for the 82 goal myself ...

I plan to be in Canberra around mid-July. May be able to catch up for a run and a coffee depending on schedules. Most of the Canberra runs seem to revolve around the coffee and food afterwards! I reckon you guys must plan the post-run venue first and make the run fit around that ...
Apr 4, 2013 10:12 AM # 
I'm sure coffee and cake can happen and hopefully goals achieved!

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