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Discussion: awesome

in: AC; AC > 2012-04-27

Apr 27, 2012 10:06 AM # 
NYC Marathon. Thats a biggie! It sounds like you have done it before? What date is it?
Apr 27, 2012 2:06 PM # 
It is 4 November. I ran it last year as my first marathon and didn't have such a good run. Started too fast - classic rookie mistake - and at half way was on target for a 3.20 finish and feeling pretty good. Then blew up at around 28km and walked most of the rest of the course in a very painful fashion with cramps front and back of upper and lower legs, finishing in 4.07. There is some great video footage from the course of my hobbling at around 35km! Still, it is an absolutely amazing race, with fantastic support the whole course - crowds 5 deep on both sides of the road for 42.2km, making a tremendous amount of noise. I wore an Australian singlet and got huge cheers.

Shame your big races in Oz got canned this year. Any plans for a marathon to replace them?
Apr 28, 2012 1:55 AM # 
sounds awesome - not the cramps part though!

yeh have mentally committed to Gold Coast Marathon on July 1 although havent actually entered yet. Going to combine it with a family holiday away from canberra winter.
Apr 28, 2012 6:09 AM # 
sounds like a good race and a good plan for a holiday. We spent a week in NY after the marathon - fantastic city. If you get a chance, ask Ian Prosser about his Gold Coast marathon experience :-)

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