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Discussion: cf

in: airman; airman > 2010-05-28

May 30, 2010 12:04 AM # 
so do you just do crossfit on your own, or do you actually go to classes?
May 30, 2010 12:55 AM # 
Keith Iskiw:
yeah are you drinking koolaid and doing it as fast as you can and paying out the nose to go workout in a wearhouse with a bunch of people who can bench more than you but think a kip pullup is and actual pullup. oops ranted
May 30, 2010 4:24 PM # 
Don't be hatin K! Kendra, I do it with a guy from work who is a freak of nature, 175 lbs and benches 350 @ work or on my own, from the CF page. There is one in Kingston but I like doing it on me own!
May 30, 2010 6:17 PM # 
nice! i'm one of those fast drinking koolaid kipping pullup people who workout in a warehouse and pay through the nose. it's the only thing keepin me sane while not being able to run long distances these days!!! and yes, don't be hatin us k !
May 30, 2010 6:22 PM # 
Keith Iskiw:
I'm not hatin' just saying that there is more than one way to skin a cat is all. I have some friends who are into this kind of working out. They even do the Crossfit endurance stuff. They do seem very fit but they also talk alot of shit most of the time and its just a real lifestyle for some of them. Trying to keep my buddy from falling too hard and keep his eye on the prize thats all.
May 30, 2010 7:25 PM # 
The difference with me is I know I'm a weakling!just worry about ne if I start talking crap like tri's!
May 30, 2010 7:30 PM # 
Keith Iskiw:
haha tri's are awesome. Too much PR this and Heart Rate that..blah blah blah...doucherockets...anyhoo that should just about fill my quta of pissing people off for the day so..bye
May 30, 2010 7:37 PM # 
haha - the kids where i go think it's great that an old lady comes and does crossfit! i'm sure they're just waiting for me to kack one day! and hay k - did i mention i'm part of the single speed cult crowd too . . .
May 30, 2010 8:01 PM # 
Keith Iskiw:
Now biking has its place in the running culture. Singlespeed isthe only way to go as it is the person doing the work and not the gears on your bike. Kudos to you for being so badass! but can you imagine what a tri-person would think if you handed them their ass on a singlespeed, I would train to a iron man on a singlespeed just to put it down! hmmmmmm....?

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