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Discussion: You're on a roll!

in: AC; AC > 2009-04-05

Apr 12, 2009 7:52 AM # 
That's two wins in a row. I saw your race on RouteGadget, and thought you were being awfully modest. i.e. quiete on AP. But I also thought you were going into the race sick and not really intending to compete...which makes your performance doubly impressive. Congrats!
Hope you start feeling better , and work will let you start training more soon.
Apr 16, 2009 1:38 AM # 
Many thanks. I felt terrible during the middle distance race on teh Saturday with the cold. I attribute the turnaround to the several glasses of wine on Saturday night :-) - purely for medicinal purposes of course. Sunday was a good race. Am trying to get a few runs in while in Australia.

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