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Discussion: Gizmo data

in: jjcote; jjcote > 2008-04-15

Apr 17, 2008 11:32 PM # 
So, why did you decide to write your own utility to convert the tracks instead of using one of the ones already out there?
Apr 18, 2008 12:24 AM # 
Because I want to be able to make it do exactly what I want. I downloaded some utility when I first got it, which demonstrated that the gizmo was working and the data was valid, but it was completely wrong for my purposes. Turns out that it's quite easy to read NMEA files and write KML files, so I just whipped together a little C program to do that, and now I can add whatever features I like. Seemed like a less frustrating approach than trying a bunch of different packages and not really being satisfied with any of them. I already have a to-do list of interesting bells and whistles that I'm going to add, and if any of my orienteering or hang gliding friends would like to use it, I can get more ideas based on what they want. The core of the program went together in less than two hours while I was sitting in bed one night.
Apr 18, 2008 12:42 AM # 
And, would you care to share an example of a bell or whistle?
Apr 18, 2008 1:53 AM # 
Currently I have it set up so that I can light up data points every 5 seconds along the track that you can click on to get data about that point. Right now that information is time/lat/long/alt, but I'll add other stuff like groundspeed and rate of climb, and also change the point spacing. I'm figuring I'll provide for the track to be color coded by groundspeed or rate of climb. There will be a place to click to get overall stats for the track (start-finish distance, total track distance, farthest-apart two points, total climb, etc.). Eventually I may set up to do animations. I've already got hooks in there that allow for cropping off any data before and after the relevant part of the run or flight. Metric/English selectable. We'll see what else I can think of. I'm also hoping to use this as a prod to get myself to figure out how to use Visual C++ to actually create a GUI application, which is something that woudl be really useful for me to know (right now it pops up a DOS window and asks a bunch of questions).
Apr 18, 2008 12:11 PM # 
Very creative! I can't wait to see it in action.
Apr 18, 2008 1:59 PM # 
Check your email. I'm assuming you have Google Earth.
Apr 18, 2008 5:21 PM # 
and if any of my orienteering or hang gliding friends would like to use it

hey, don't forget your 'bent riding friends... :-)

though admittedly, I don't do much post analysis of my rides/runs at this point. For running its more just to tally my totals, and for riding its more for figuring stuff out in Google Earth (and other online mapping programs) and converting it into useful format to load into GPS for use while I'm out on the road - important stuff like distance to my next Mountain Dew....
Apr 18, 2008 10:30 PM # 
Thanks, J-J, I got the file, and I apparently there is GE loaded on this laptop as well, though I don't remember loading it.

Of course, I had to go out and buy one of the same units as well. Will be interesting to compare the FR vs. the RGM units, with the RGM being carried in my back pants pocket.

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