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Discussion: The tale of Tenty's achilles

in: 10T; 10T > 2020-07-29

Jul 30, 2020 7:34 AM # 
"So I'm used to mainly 50km/week, sometimes the odd week higher but infrequently. Then suddenly my owner decided to jump straight in to 100km/week, often with 3/4 harder efforts a week, sometimes on consecutive days. Sometimes he'd even go out on a Sunday afternoon just to round up to 100km because 3 figures makes you manly apparently. Needless to say I was surprised. I gave him a few weeks to see if I could cope with this massive sudden increase in work being done, but I couldn't so I went ping"

We've all jumped in to the deep end. Next time build up slower with rest days/easy weeks to allow your body to adapt.
Jul 30, 2020 2:01 PM # 
Yeah, I got cocky and paid the price. What can I say? First few weeks felt fine, but have learned the lesson and will listen to my body in future!
Cheers for the advice though, hope you are well post-BG!!
Jul 31, 2020 7:46 AM # 
Weighted heel drops are the main thing to do for achilles. Strengthen them don't rest them. Also soleus exercises. As well as the chain above them - glutes especially.
Aug 1, 2020 7:44 AM # 
I've been doing heel drops but didn't think about the soleus or gluteus etc, I'll build them into my S&C sets, cheers Nic!

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