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Training Log Archive: Will.Tucker

In the 1 days ending Dec 7, 2012:

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Friday Dec 7, 2012 #

12 AM


Is anybody a shoe person?

I seem to have this internal debate every time I look at buying new shoes. I've been running Brooks stability line for like seven years now (Adrenaline, Infiniti, Trance) but everything I see online tells me that people with high arches (i.e. ME, I've got incredibly high arches) should be running neutral. I'm not sure what my pronation is though so I'm never sure if that's me. I've never had real feet problems except for that bout of what might have been plantar fascitis during Yuk year (also had it during freshman year of high school) but I'm not sure what the root of that is/was

I find that I occasionally also have joint pain in my knees and ankles over longer distances. At this moment it's probably more that my current Trance's are pretty much legally dead or it could be that my body isn't used to running long distances. For all I joke about it with the plebes I'm not THAT old.

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