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Training Log Archive: billh

In the 7 days ending May 14, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Walk/Run6 5:03:00 20.44(14:49) 32.9(9:13)
  R2 1:21:00 6.46(12:32) 10.4(7:47)
  T1 25:20 3.2(7:55) 5.15(4:55)
  E 2 25:08 1.08(23:20) 1.73(14:30)
  Total8 7:14:28 31.18(13:56) 50.18(8:40)

» now

Saturday May 14, 2016 #


Day 7 IF: back to beef broth, yummie . . . not get tired of that stuff yet, uh huh. did a prelim weigh-in before and after race, results were encouraging, final Sunday am weigh-in tomorrow.

T 25:20 [5] 3.2 mi (7:55 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

billy doesn't run till 12:30pm so had time for the little neighborhood 5K fundraiser for the elementary school, just 5 min jog from my front door, and the price was right. they changed up the course to put about half of it on grass around Blackburn so that was fun. there was not a flat spot on this entire course, all up an down, so I made the most of the downhills, probably the guy I kept passing thought I was a jerk, making him pass me back on the uphill, finally on one uphill in Mile 2, I pressed the pace and left him for good. Then had the unenviable position of passing what must have been a popular teacher running with his 5th grade son because all the spectators were cheering him "Go Coach" . . . "Catch him", . . . eh referring to yours truly. so I was playing the part of the rabbit/ evil interloper. I was not sure I should pass on the last big downhill but really had no choice because the kids stride was so short, I just bombed by them. then took a look back and just gunned it up the last hill, about 200m, really giving it my final sprint. looked back and I had a 30m gap. but I was spent! with about 400m to go to the finish, so just gutted it out, looking back several times and they were not gaining so I had . . . whatever place in the bag, haha. may have gotten top 10 in the adult category. fun racing. and being pushed to and past my limit. but I did not hurl this race, haha. feelin lighter and better every day.

Walk/Run 20:00 [1] 2.0 mi (10:00 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

jog to race, cooldown after . . .

Friday May 13, 2016 #


Day 6 IF: back to chix broth with sriacha . . and some Bai water . . . yum. no, not getting old at all! haha. I can live on this stuff. really, when my brain says "dinner", the spicey salty broth actually feels like dinner. I weighed out the spoonful of bullion paste at 15g, so at 6g=15 Kcal, that is about 38 Kcal for the broth, then whatever for the squirt of sriacha.
8 AM

Walk/Run 52:00 [1] 3.5 mi (14:51 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

morning commute to metro, heavy pack, had to walk a bit.

Thursday May 12, 2016 #


Day 5 IF: ooooh, yum, back to the beef broth with sriacha sauce and some stevia sweetened Bai. the broth reminds me of the broth in pho bowl at a Thai or Vietnamese restaurant, pretty savory. then chewed some gum. I think I feel lighter. we'll see at weigh in this Sun
8 AM

E 15:08 [1] 0.58 mi (26:06 / mi)
shoes: barefoot

warmup in the cool sprinkle rain at Moss . . . doesn't get much better. clean air.

R 39:00 [4] 4.8 km (8:07 / km)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

JD R workout #2 for the week, something like Week 3 of Phase 2 . . .

6x200m on 2R: 47, 42, 42, 41, 42, 40


4x200m on 2R: 42, 41, 41, 41

legs didn't feel great but not terrible, just concentrated on "smooth and fast" . . . keep them movin.

thinking I will "train through" the stl games 1500 in hopes of peaking for the MO games in June. hopefully by then I will reap the benefits of lighter body weight, feeling lighter already.

Wednesday May 11, 2016 #


Day 4 IF: mixin in up a bit, last night . . . chicken broth with srichacha and a sucralose lemonade . . . yum. really no problems with hunger after that, I think I can hang for 3 weeks, just went to bed early. now just see if this will result in weight loss. energy is good. sleep is messed up though.

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.5 mi (17:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

jog/ walk to metro. pretty heavy pack today, just have been 20+ lbs so felt I had to walk more than usual.

Tuesday May 10, 2016 #


Day 3 IF: discovered beef broth last night, added a couple teaspoons of the bullion paste to a big soup mug, nuked it for a couple minutes, then added srirracha sauce, then had my red powder drink on the side, actually felt like a dinner but probably < 100 Kcal. I actually felt that was sort of sustainable for 3 weeks. feeling better already, though sleep is disturbed with change in eating pattern, eg. body wakes up at 3am expecting to be fed, haha, nope, gotta wait 3 hours.
8 AM

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.5 mi (17:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

nice little jog in the rain to metro, really love running in the rain, we are assured the air is clean!

Monday May 9, 2016 #


Day 2 IF: no problem, likely due to the large 2pm meal for Mom's Day, didn't eat any solid food or caloric bevs after that, and not hungry even at bedtime, which probably means I broke even for the day . . . cheesecake at 2pm does that!
8 AM

E 10:00 [1] 0.8 km (12:30 / km)
shoes: Under Armour Apollo Vents

did my warmup and drills in the new Apollo vents, sans socks, so weird, felt like bedroom slippers, absolutely no support. they do feel very nice without socks since the sole is seamless and snug, should be a great warm weather track race shoe for 1500m and less. so weird switching to the hokas

R 42:00 [4] 5.6 km (7:30 / km)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

JD R workout #1 for the week, still very fatigued from the race Sat, even more so today, absolutely no snap in the legs, barely had to breath hard on the reps because legs just could not go forward fast enough to burn any O2, so not worried about times, did get the cadence going, which is the main purpose of an R workout, I guess . . . 2x200m (2R), 6x400m (4R)

2x200m: 45, 44
6x400m: 1:34, 1:37, 1:36, 1:37, 1:37, 1:36

haha, my fastest rep was the first one, that should tell you something.
6 PM

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.5 mi (17:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

home from metro . . .

Sunday May 8, 2016 #


Day 1 of IF under my belt . . . suffered quite a bit . . . got through it with chix broth, Bai drink (5 Kcal Stevia sweetened) and aspartame gum. but it felt really good to wake up hungry, wouln't let myself eat till after 6am. hopefully, this gets easier, or it will be a long 3 weeks, I believe it will, based on experience.

a reward will be a stop at the UnderArmour outlet in the Valley after Mom's day to pickup some quasi spikes, looking at the 6.8 oz Apollo Vents, which feel pretty much like mocassins, so flimsy, but will try them for some track sessions this week, with a view to the race on Mem Day. might feel a little better than racing in the clunky 12 oz Hokas, haha.
8 AM

Walk/Run 51:00 [1] 4.44 mi (11:29 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

E recovery run, pretty beatup from yesterday . . . had to walk a bit toward the end.

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