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Training Log Archive: billh

In the 7 days ending May 7, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  E 5 2:54:00 9.99(17:25) 16.07(10:50)
  Walk/Run2 2:00:00 7.0(17:09) 11.27(10:39)
  Cycling3 1:40:00
  R2 1:09:00 4.97(13:53) 8.0(8:38)
  L1 46:14 4.46(10:22) 7.18(6:26)
  T1 24:20 3.11(7:50) 5.0(4:52)
  Strength1 24:00
  Total13 9:17:34 29.52 47.51
averages - weight:199.6lbs

» now

Saturday May 7, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 20:00 [1]

travel to and from race as part of warmup/ cooldown

E 10:00 [1] 0.5 mi (20:00 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

warmup/ drills before race . . . felt fine.
8 AM

T 24:20 [5] 5.0 km (4:52 / km)
weight:199.6lbs shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

I VOW right here and NOW, in the presence of God and all the AP world . . . not to eat any solid food after 3pm from now till Memorial Day, and no pre-eating.

ARgh, reaality check. Hilly Schoemehl 5K turned into a death march. I did run the downhills well. Just too damn heavy for the uphills, nearly in Clydedale territory. No shortage of effort . . . turning the corner for the final 200m, had two senior fellow heavyweights in sight, and plowed past them, then proceeded to dry heave and empty the little contents of my gut onto the pavement. NICE!

Friday May 6, 2016 #

8 AM

Cycling 40:00 [1]

rode bike to work, give legs a break . . . think I'll do the Schoemehl 5K tomorrow in webster to support ALS research, nasty disease. plus get a reading on my VDOT. not really clear where I am. race time!
5 PM

Cycling 40:00 [1]

ride home

Thursday May 5, 2016 #

7 AM

E 24:00 [1] 1.6 km (15:00 / km)
shoes: barefoot

warmup/ cooldown on the grass, barefoot, drills
8 AM

R 31:00 [4] 4.0 km (7:45 / km)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

JD R workout #2 for the week, 10x200m with 2.5R:

44, 43, 40, 41, 41, 40, 39, 39, 39, 37

you know, didn't feel great, didn't feel terrible, just crankin out the reps. have to be happy with that. halfway through I wondered if I could keep cranking them out, but the machine kicked in. the last rep I wanted to run a 38, so the only thing different I did was keep my leg cadence up to speed with my breathing rhythm, which actually worked, except I don't believe I had another one of those left in me. aren't you supposed to feel "I could do one more", nope. haha.

chatted with the Hixson gym teacher who was running some makeup sprints for a handful of kids. Field Day is a week from tomorrow Fri so won't interrupt my workouts on M/Thu. She welcomed me to attend and pointed out the sign of "Walters Perch", evidently a senior who attended every Field Day for the past gazillion years and died last year. He also did the Senior Games. Nice to be compared to a dead guy. haha.

Wednesday May 4, 2016 #

7 AM

E 55:00 [1] 3.5 mi (15:43 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

actually felt OK this morning, huh.
6 PM

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.5 mi (17:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

mostly running, jogging, some walking . . . feeling some strength return to my legs. thinking about the Schoemehl 5K this Sat, just as a training race. been running so much need to get some payoff.

Tuesday May 3, 2016 #

7 AM

E 55:00 [1] 3.5 mi (15:43 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

pretty much ran the whole way, except for stops at lights and such . . . felt terrible as usual.
5 PM

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.5 mi (17:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR

home from metro

Monday May 2, 2016 #

8 AM

E 30:00 [1] 2.4 km (12:30 / km)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

warmup/ cooldown, 3 laps of it barefoot, drills

R 38:00 [4] 4.0 km (9:30 / km)
shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

JD Phase 2 Week 2 R workout:

2x200m (2R): 41, 40
4x400m (5R): 1:30, 1:26, 1:29, 1:30

felt terrible, fat, jiggly, sluggish . . . bad. but that 1:26 lifted my spirits and made me think, "maybe this thing is possible". it was one of those reps where I look at my watch and go "Whaaaaaat", how did that happen? I've been on a steady diet of 200s, so for the 400s, I knew I would tie up the second half, so planned on going out the first 200 thinking "fast but smooth", just keep a good tempo somewhat over my regular 200 stand-alone pace. then burn out the final 200 of the rep. really, each of those, I tied up badly in the final 100 and just had to concentrate on lifting my legs, felt so heavy.

well with the STL senior games on the horizon, exactly four weeks from today, and in the current calendar month, maybe my mind will finally get off its butt and start eating right. it certainly would feel more comfortable running without all the fat jiggling around. geesh. come-ON, bill, get your frickin act together.

Sunday May 1, 2016 #

8 AM

L 46:14 [2] 4.46 mi (10:22 / mi)
ahr:142 shoes: Hoka Stinson Light

tried to run sub-10 proper E pace but got a little sluggish after mile 3 . . . couple breaks for stretching but turned off timer.

happy that I'm able to keep weekly mileage > 30M, that is progress.
5 PM

Strength 24:00 [1]

mini-strength session: one set of 6 reps plus an extrra back squat

back squat: 155 lbs
front press: 72 lbs
cleans: 140 lbs

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