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Training Log Archive: Mrs. Tiny

In the 31 days ending Jul 31, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Run7 5:03:00
  Spinning3 2:30:00
  Paddling1 2:10:00
  Mountain Biking1 1:54:00
  Road Bike1 1:40:00 28.58(3:30) 46.0(2:10)
  Strength Training3 1:20:00
  Cardio1 30:00
  Rowing1 20:00
  Total14 15:27:00 28.58 46.0

» now

Wednesday Jul 31, 2013 #

Strength Training 25:00 [3]

TRX in the gym at work. Being in an converted old industrial building has it's advantages - convenient ceiling beams for TRX. :)

Tuesday Jul 30, 2013 #

Run 30:00 [3]

Treadmill hills. Needed a mental break from work at lunch. Wanted to go outside, but realized I'd just go for a cruise, so decided a painful hill set on the treadmill was a better use of my time.

Thursday Jul 25, 2013 #

Spinning 50:00 [4]

Oh my goodness. So tough this morning to get out of bed this morning. But... as always (or... almost always anyway), was glad I did and had a hard work out this morning. Really loving this instructor.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2013 #

Run 21:00 [3]

Short run before we hit the trails to ride at the Hydrocut. We'd planned on a longer run to make a brick work out, but traffic conspired against the guys getting to Waterloo, so it was more of a warm-up. :) Fun non-the-less.

Mountain Biking 1:54:00 [3]

I'm splitting the difference on time between Funderstorm and BiT since I didn't keep track. :)

Gorgeous night to be out on the trails, and fun to get out with the WT team. I seem to have trouble staying on my bike these days (and have a couple good bruises forming this morning to show for it), but all in all had a good ride. I'm going to stick with the story that it's because I'm being more aggressive, not purely due to a lack of technical skill, debatable though that is... ;)

So much work done by the WCC trail stewardship crew in there - wowza! Good work people!

Tuesday Jul 23, 2013 #

Cardio (stair climber) 30:00 [3]

2 minute intervals

Rowing 20:00 [3]

Wasn't feeling this one. Was tempted to end it early, but as my paddling partner won't thank me if I don't work on those muscles, I held out to finish the time. And let's face it, it was only 20 minutes. Drop in the bucket. Just kinda boring in the gym.

Strength Training 30:00 [3]

Upper Body

Friday Jul 19, 2013 #

Run 50:00 [3]

Took Aubrey out in the stroller around Mikisew PP and then down the park road. Napping wasn't happening today, so this was a good way for us both to retain a little sanity. :)

Tuesday Jul 16, 2013 #

Run 1:10:00 [3]

Hot, even at 6:30am it's hot. On the up-side... it's not as hot as it would be if I'd waited until after work. :) Ran to and around Becthel Park then home. Would've liked to extend the run a bit, but was out of time.

Friday Jul 12, 2013 #

Run 39:00 [2]

Destination run with Aubrey - to the park, grocery store then home. This run was not for work our purposes, it was for stress relief for mom and a fun morning our for Aubrey. Work stress and temporary daycare stress are a bad combination. The run was a good way to relax though.

Thursday Jul 11, 2013 #

Spinning 50:00 [4]

Yup... confirmed this week. This instructor is tough. I like her.

Strength Training 25:00 [2]

Upper body and core

Tuesday Jul 9, 2013 #

Run 45:00 [4]

Missed getting to TNT so decided to head to Bechtel park and ran loops with hill repeats. Was supposed to be 3 repeats on loop one, 2 then 1, but ended up being 3, 1, 2... my mind was elsewhere on loop 2 so missed heading back down the hill. Hot and humid.

Sunday Jul 7, 2013 #

Paddling 2:10:00 [2]

Funderstorm and Reeder were planning a paddle down the Nith River, and invited me to tag along. I was feeling a little concerned when they were describing what the lower section had looked like last week, but thought I'd give it a whirl anyway. :) They provided the boat, and rider and the company. Funderstorm and I started in Canning and met up with Reeder clower to Paris. Funderstorm was in her whitewater boat, so she definitely had a harder time through the flats. Great morning of paddling.

Saturday Jul 6, 2013 #

Run 48:00 [3]

This wasn't as long as I'd hoped it would be... although as it's sort of my own fault, I can't complain. :) Needed to run an errand near Waterloo Park, so thought we'd make a little trip out of my run. Put Aubrey in the stroller and headed out. It didn't take as long as I thought it would to get there, but didn't modify my route since Aubrey was getting antsy. Ran the errand, headed to the park and let Aubrey run around the splash pad - literally around... not through... not a big fan of the water other than to watch it - and then play on the swings and snack. Realized it was getting late so headed straight home to get back in time for lunch and nap, so no extra distance on the way back. Ah well. It was smokin' hot, so I wasn't exactly loving the road run anyway. I'm sure that's why I didn't "notice" it was getting late... subliminal aversion to having to run today.

Thursday Jul 4, 2013 #

Spinning 50:00 [4]

New instructor for Cycle II - liked her. I felt a little nauseous at one point from exertion. So I'd say she did a good job making me feel motivated. :)

Monday Jul 1, 2013 #

Road Bike 1:40:00 [3] 46.0 km (2:10 / km)

Nice day for a ride. Out through Hawkesville and St. Clements.

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