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Training Log Archive: ?

In the 7 days ending Dec 5, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 30:00
  Strength1 30:00
  Total1 1:00:00

» now

Tuesday Nov 30, 2010 #

Orienteering race (Omax) 30:00 [5]

Omg that was soooo embarrassing. it was like watching a whale in a net on the beach because a) didnt know where i was most of the time and b) i was so so exhausted/unfit. was not prepared for a mountain run thats for sure. After 3 hours of writing 18 pages, a part of me thought i left my brain in the exam room thats for sure. oh well, intensity shall accelerate now in training its all up hill from here now, (just like todays omax). Not entirely sure on the time. but it was least 10 mins behind the speed demons (Lizzie, Laura, Piret)

Strength (Pilates) 30:00 [3]

pulled out a bit of the pilates dvd, how nice of the real estate man to turn up when i was half way through it. probably half way through a seal clap position (that sounds so dodgy), how dandy.

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