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In the 31 days ending Jul 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling10 13:18:40 31.07 50.0
  Hockey6 9:20:00
  Strength & Conditioning14 5:25:00
  Running10 4:03:17 20.51 33.0
  Orienteering4 3:34:45 12.18(17:38) 19.6(10:57)14 /28c50%
  Strength6 2:30:00
  Mountain Biking1 1:30:00
  Total25 39:41:42 63.75 102.614 /28c50%
averages - sleep:14.8

» now

Friday Jul 31, 2009 #

Hockey (Game vs. St Marys) 1:10:00 [4]
shoes: Adidas Supernova

we won 2 - 1 WOOOO great game.. numerous shots at goal should at been 20 nil but couldnt push in. quite exhausted from yesterday and sore

Thursday Jul 30, 2009 #

Hockey (Game Vs. King Edwards) 1:10:00 [3]
shoes: Adidas Supernova

Hockey Exchange, won 4 - 1, good game

Hockey (Game vs. St Matts) 1:10:00 [4]
shoes: Adidas Supernova

Hockey Exchange lost 1 -0, should have one.. not hungry enough in circle.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2009 #

Hockey 1:30:00 [3]
shoes: Adidas Supernova

exhausted already .. 7 weeks of school to go

Strength & Conditioning 30:00 [3]

Monday Jul 27, 2009 #

Hockey 1:30:00 [3]
slept:7.0 shoes: Adidas Supernova


Strength & Conditioning 30:00 [3]

Saturday Jul 25, 2009 #

Cycling 1:45:00 [2] 50.0 km (2:06 / km)
shoes: Specialized

not too sure on distance, clock thing doesn't work 100%, pretty cruisy ride up ta blue mountains though, dad wasn't feeling to fast today as he swam the whole week so we just took it slow.

Strength & Conditioning 30:00 [3]

lunges cant be good for the hamstrings i cant stand up anymore

Friday Jul 24, 2009 #

Hockey (Game vs. Marsden) 1:20:00 [4]
shoes: Adidas Supernova

1 - 8 we got thrashed, didnt have abad game myself though, really frustrating when people don't mark their players though then im left with 3 to cover grr. we got a goal lol that was exciting!

Thursday Jul 23, 2009 #

Mountain Biking 1:30:00 [4]
slept:9.5 shoes: Adidas Supernova

it was so frieking windy and raining, belmont regional park, flew off coming down one of the hills but landed smoothly thank god, mountain biking is so much harder than road cycling espec up hill i dont know why people do it as a sport. you die climbing a hill with a 100kg bike then shit your pants down hills.. but it was fun

Wednesday Jul 22, 2009 #

Running (Flat Run) 50:00 [3] 9.8 km (5:06 / km)
slept:9.5 shoes: Adidas Supernova

first run of my programme.. real hard to get back into running training after not doing it for ages but was super weather! had stitch most of the way so had to stop occasiionaly its annoying

Strength & Conditioning 15:00 [3]

Cycling (Easy) 1:06:30 [2]
shoes: Specialized

pretty cruisy ride up managaroa valley, wicked views of upper hutt coming back down.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2009 #

Hockey (Practice) 1:30:00 [3]
slept:10.0 shoes: Adidas Supernova

was fun to be back at hockey again and practicing at a normal hour, made us do laps of the field though and my hamstring hurts now from dragging out in PCs so many times. games friday vs. marsden.. god help us

Strength & Conditioning 15:00 [3]

Running (Hockey) 18:00 [4] 3.6 km (5:00 / km)
slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Mach 10

not exact sure on the time, but had to do 10 laps of turf at training :( was real windy too

Sunday Jul 19, 2009 #

Cycling long (Te Marua) 1:25:24 [3]
slept:4.0 shoes: Specialized

was quite tired cycling today but was real good weather for it.. got no sleep woke at 2.30 couldnt sleep at all after that even though i was exhausted. but managed to hold 40 along straight on way home

Saturday Jul 18, 2009 #

Orienteering race (NZSS SG Relay) 28:24 [5] *** 4.1 km (6:56 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Brooks Mach 10

millions times better race, came in approx. 10 minutes infront of second team (havelock) and 2 minutes behind erin, pretty easy navigation and ran real fast whole time except stuffed number 3 up , bearing went wooooooooop into a diferent fence line i was aiming for and stood there for about 3 minutes until i clicked, was with erin up till then, thought id be clever and take a shorter way.. didnt quite work out. Jo still did good as time but Jaime managed to catch her and Sara was too fast for Laura to catch about 8 minutes.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Mach 10

Friday Jul 17, 2009 #

Orienteering race (NZ SS Champs) 46:26 [4] *** 3.3 km (14:04 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Brooks Mach 10

Really upset and pissed off about this race, most disappointing course i have done. First started feeling real eager to run, screwed up number 1 and from there on everything just fell apart. I think i was running too fast for my navigation so screwed everything up, i totally misse dnumber 9 not even realising.. may have worked myself up to much and the pressure really got to me as this was probably the easiest race for me to win a title but i just threw it straight out the window.. total of 25 minutes of errors at least. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Running warm up/down 15:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Mach 10

Thursday Jul 16, 2009 #

Cycling (Easy) 55:00 [3]
shoes: Specialized

Just casual ride with mum around waiterere back roads etc

Wednesday Jul 15, 2009 #

Running (Easy Jog in dark) 22:17 [3] 4.4 km (5:04 / km)
shoes: Adidas Supernova

easy run win dark with dog.. tad scary but love it, feel like i go 3 times faster in the dark

Strength & Conditioning 20:00 [3]

Tuesday Jul 14, 2009 #

Running (Easy Jog) 35:00 [3] 7.2 km (4:52 / km)
shoes: Adidas Supernova

supposed to be an easy jog, but im realy crap at pacing on training runs so gun it for the first 10 minutes then realise i have another 20 to do and pretty much die the rest of the way, i think i was way too dehydrated and over heated with two polyprops on.. so felt dead

Strength & Conditioning 20:00 [3]

Strength 20:00 [3]

Sunday Jul 12, 2009 #

Orienteering race (Aotea) 51:27 [3] * 5.6 km (9:11 / km)
spiked:9/15c shoes: Adidas Supernova

It was just a street raining event so not too exciting, meant i had to run most of they way.. didnt feel unfit again either which is super!

Running warm up/down 10:00 [3]

Strength & Conditioning 20:00 [3]

Saturday Jul 11, 2009 #

Cycling long (Blue Mountains) 1:41:46 [4]
slept:10.5 shoes: Specialized

was hardish ride, getting faster though.. averaged 38 on way back which was pleasing.. legs felt dead most of way out cos it was so cold i couldnt warm them up

Strength & Conditioning 20:00 [3]

Friday Jul 10, 2009 #

Strength 20:00 [3]

Strength & Conditioning 20:00 [3]

had to do step ups on a chair now.. my left leg and ass feels dead

Cycling long 2:15:00 [3]

Nice long cycle.. was very very cold, my arms and hands were frozen the whole way, and i think my nose fell off too.
included some 4 *2km hill reps at about 85 percent

Thursday Jul 9, 2009 #

Running (Yog with Mum) 45:00 [2] 8.0 km (5:38 / km)
slept:9.5 shoes: Adidas Supernova

Just a slow muddy, very wet jog with mum and dog down at le river and through new tracks in forest next to golf course. felt tired most of the way

Strength 30:00 [3]

Tuesday Jul 7, 2009 #

Cycling intervals (WT) 50:00 [3]

not too hard.. should have gone for run but was out all day and then it got cold and dark when i came home..

Strength 20:00 [3]

Sunday Jul 5, 2009 #

Strength & Conditioning 30:00 [3]

Orienteering race (Waiterere - Osgiliath) 1:28:28 [4] *** 6.6 km (13:24 / km)
spiked:5/13c shoes: Brooks Mach 10

Red Medium -
Yes well, screwed up number 7 by 15minutes.. how nice. my compass told me one way but for some strange reason i didnt feel like that was the right way, so followed my intelligent instinct that took me in a complete circle until i ended up at number 5 again. didnt feel to slow though considering the lack of running i have done.

Running 15:00 [3]

control collecting.. and made my 11 year old cousin run her whole course again collecting controls with me. its ok she will appreciate me for it when she is standing on that podium

Saturday Jul 4, 2009 #

Cycling intervals 1:20:00 [4]

Hard and long, but wimbledon pulled me through.. crap weather at mo which sucks

Strength & Conditioning (Physio) 30:00 [3]

my calves hurting from them heaps.. getting strongerrr

Friday Jul 3, 2009 #

Strength & Conditioning (Physio Ones) 30:00 [3]
slept:9.0 (injured)

Even more stretchies give zu mir today von der Physio !!

Strength 20:00 [4]
slept:9.0 (injured)


Cycling (Windtrainer) 1:00:00 [3]
slept:9.0 (injured)

Hoorah! i am not sick anymore and felt real good whole time on windtrainer..

Running 18:00 [3]
slept:9.0 (injured) shoes: Adidas Supernova

my first yog in 2 whole weeks!! i didnt feel unfit at all but my knees were all stiff and didnt wanna ruin myself anymore so cut it short and slogged on home

Thursday Jul 2, 2009 #

slept:14.0 (injured) (sick)

Was going to try run today.. had a nap from like 1 to 4pm cos was exhausted then woke up even more tired with blocked ears and worse head pain.. doctor said sinus infection :(

Strength & Conditioning 15:00 [3]
slept:14.0 (injured) (sick)

Exercise from le physio. so many to do cos apparently i have an extremely weak left butt cheek so when i run.. i only run with my right leg.. sweet ill be running twice the speed after i am cured!

Wednesday Jul 1, 2009 #

Strength (Physio Strtches 2.) 40:00 [4]
(injured) (sick)

It was quite tiring.. im either unfit or sitll exhausted from flu.. im guessing the flu

Cycling (Windtrainer) 1:00:00 [3]
(injured) (sick)

tried to get back into training today.. was exhausted felt all giddy after 40 minutes.. probably not eaten enough cos been sick. will try run tomorrow.. been so painful though.. almost in tears after x country nats cos shin hurt so much and my knee seized up too the other week. yay for my life.

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