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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jun 10, 2018:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 3:24:21 21.69(9:25) 34.9(5:51) 330
  Total4 3:24:21 21.69(9:25) 34.9(5:51) 330

» now

Sunday Jun 10, 2018 #

7 AM

Running (Quebec) 1:15:54 [3] 12.4 km (6:07 / km) +330m 5:24 / km
shoes: Kayano 24

No meetings today (Sunday) and a late afternoon flight out meant a good opportunity for a bit of a sleep in and a leaisurely morning run. The sleep in didn't happen, but still lazed about in bed for a while before venturing out for a run on a lovely sunny morning. Had decided to do a bit of a tour of the battle sites of the British invasion of Quebec on 1 September 1759. Very well marked trail with great explanatory panels at various points. Made for a very stop and start run, but that was fine. It was also very hilly as I made my way up to the top of the Plains of Abraham and then headed right down to the river's edge where the British soldiers landed and scaled some pretty impressive cliffs to surprise the French defenders. Very steep run back up and then did a lap of a popular jogging track up the top. Back along a lovely trail in the forest above the escarpment and decided on a whim to have another go at the steps from yesterday at Le Cap Blanc. Burning thighs again - it would be very good training to do these stairs a couple of times a week! Excellent run although the km rate was quite slow due to the hills and to touristing! Left knee a bit sore towards the end and gave it a good icing back in the hotel room.

Saturday Jun 9, 2018 #

5 AM

Running (Quebec) 40:57 [3] 7.1 km (5:46 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

In Quebec for the G7 Summit and time zone difference meant a very early start was possible. Squeezed in a touristy run around town. First down into the old part of Quebec, then along the river's edge before climbing up the longest staircase they have at Cap Blanc - 389 steps. Thighs were really burning about half way up but persevered. Great hill climbing training!

Thursday Jun 7, 2018 #

7 AM

Running intervals 50:13 [3] 8.4 km (5:59 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Very wet week so no chance for a ride so far this week unfortunately.

Morning interval session. Heavy and humid weather and feeling very slow out of the blocks. But decided to have a crack at a loop I used to do in the Bois that was kind of a park terrain loop. Uphill for 2/3 of the loop and then downhill, all on rough-ish terrain. Good for O training. Did okay - 3.21, 3.20, 3.19, with 1 1/2 min rest between each. Then followed up with 5 x 1 min on / 1 min off on the way home - reasonable pace but all over the place (4.12, 32 (traffic and stray dog), 14, 18, 07).

Tuesday Jun 5, 2018 #

7 AM

Running 37:17 [3] 7.0 km (5:20 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Late night with work and pouring with rain, but still dragged myself out for a morning shuffle around the Bois. Took a while to get going but eventually got hte legs into gear. Rain eased off to a pleasant drizzle rather than tropical downpour and good running conditions (if a bit muddy underfoot).

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