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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Apr 22, 2018:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 2:33:47 15.66(9:49) 25.2(6:06) 675
  Cycling2 1:58:23 37.47(3:10) 60.3(1:58)
  Total5 4:32:10 53.13(5:07) 85.5(3:11) 675

» now

Saturday Apr 21, 2018 #

8 AM

Running 1:33:33 [3] 14.0 km (6:41 / km) +675m 5:23 / km
shoes: Kayano 24

Back in the Cevennes, joining the family for the remainder of the holiday. I started on the same run as last week but stayed on the rocky trail until the top of the hill above the B&B. Good track, although a bit damp in spots. Great views from the top on a lovely sunny morning. Came across a campervan that was perched on the edge of the dirt track right at the top - unparalleled view and a superb spot to set up camp! A long 8.5km run down the road back to the B&B - very hard on the legs and quite pleased to get back. Just made it in time for breakfast!

Thursday Apr 19, 2018 #

1 PM

Running intervals 31:23 [4] 5.8 km (5:25 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Squeezed in a short run between meetings. Planned to do 3 x 1km, but had to settle for 6 x 500m when the temperature hit 28 degrees. Still too hot for my liking but struggled through anyway. Pace not great but effort was there - 4.20, 29, 38 (uphill), 27, 32, 51 (held up at road crossings).

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018 #

8 PM

Cycling 1:02:07 [3] 33.3 km (1:52 / km)

Another wonderful evening and took advantage of being in bachelor mode by heading out for a spin around Longchamp after work. Quite a few groups of triathletes in full pre-season training, hammering out brick sessions. Some very speedy packs were flying around and joined a couple before deciding they were too quick for my fitness at this stage. Eventually found a group that was more to my liking and settled in for a few laps. Made it home in the gathering dusk. Good ride.

Tuesday Apr 17, 2018 #

7 AM

Running 28:51 [3] 5.4 km (5:21 / km)
shoes: Kayano 24

Easy morning run. Legs felt pretty dead after Sunday's run but struggled through. Gorgeous morning for it!
8 PM

Cycling 56:16 [3] 27.0 km (2:05 / km)

An absolutely beautiful evening and too good to stay indoors after a long tiring day at work. So headed down to Longchamp for some laps. Dropped into a group that was going at a respectable pace but not too fast. Got quite dark on the way home. Stopped off for some takeaway Thai.

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