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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jun 12, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling5 9:14:23 157.02(3:32) 252.7(2:12) 2000
  Total5 9:14:23 157.02(3:32) 252.7(2:12) 2000

» now

Sunday Jun 12, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 3:49:49 [3] 103.7 km (2:13 / km) +889m 2:08 / km

Not a promising start to this ride with a steady light drizzle from just after home and up to Versailles. Nearly bailed but decided to keep going a little further as the clouds seemed to be clearing up a little ahead. Sure enough, after Versailles, the rain stopped and, although the roads were a bit damp, I kept on for a long ride out through the Vallee des Chevreuses. Achieved my aim of a 100k+ ride and felt pretty good until the last 20km, which were a bit of a struggle. Ventured on to a few new roads and they were superb - quiet country lanes with forests and farms and cows, a real pleasure to cruise along in the morning sun.

Felt extra virtuous and special when it started heavily raining 10 minutes after I finished the ride!

Friday Jun 10, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:23:33 [3] 39.2 km (2:08 / km) +266m 2:04 / km

Fourth morning in a row and my legs were really feeling it. So much for being at least a bit fit! Went out with Jared, which ensured a brisk pace. Set off through Sevres and Chaville to Versailles. Then back through the forest road, St Cloud, and Suresnes. Made the mistake of telling Jared that I was only 3 secs behind him on one of the Strava segments that I had been hammering this week and so he decided we should both have a crack at it. My legs were pretty tired but gave it a go anyway. Took off at a ripping pace with Jared and tried to stay in his wheel but fell off the last half of the effort. He cracked the KOM for the segment, covering it in 1.09 while I trailed in at 1.13, good enough for 3rd place overall. I hope that I will have fresher legs next time we do this segment as I reckon I can stay in his wheel for the whole part and then perhaps come around him at the end. Small victories to aim for :-). Good ride.

Thursday Jun 9, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:19:12 [3] 35.0 km (2:16 / km) +295m 2:10 / km

Headed out for a third morning straight as the weather forecast is not looking too good for the weekend (heavy rain looks like it is on its way for both days). Dragged myself out of bed and headed out, but the ride never really felt that great. Hit the first hill up through Suresnes and my legs protested loudly. Decided to just take it easier from then on and focus on spinning.

I did have a crack at the Strava segment I have been hammering the last couple of days and knocked 1 second off. Now only 3 seconds behind Jared and so will need to rest up one morning and have a decent go and try to displace Jared from second place. First place is some way off - I think the guy was on a motorbike.

Good ride in the end.

Wednesday Jun 8, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:21:55 [3] 37.2 km (2:12 / km) +255m 2:08 / km

Another nice morning for a spin. Had another go at two Strava segments. Got up to 6th fastest on Route de l'Imperitrice through the forest (2.2km) - the leaders must have been absoultely flying as I was going flat chat - and then up to equal third on eth same segment as yesterday. Good way to break up a ride and get some extra efforts in. Good ride.

Tuesday Jun 7, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:19:54 [3] 37.6 km (2:08 / km) +295m 2:03 / km

The rain has finally stopped and it is warm and humid. Got out early for a spin and decided that I needed to do these rides a lot harder if I am to benefit properly from them, especially now that I am not running so much. So tried to hammer it as much as I could and wound up averaging a whole 1.5 kph faster than normal :-). But i did manage to get onto a top ten list of a decent Strava segment (third!) by really putting my head down and going for it. I may use the Strava segment incentive to see if I can do some form of fartlek training on the bike, once I figure out where the segments. If I had the money, I would upgrade to one of the new Garmin gizmos that does live Strava segments!

Good ride overall. Felt pretty strong and my calf didn't hurt, although it certainly felt tight. Looking forward to more cycling now the weather seems to have turned for the better.

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