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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jun 7, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling4 6:39:09 113.03(3:32) 181.9(2:12) 701
  MTB1 1:15:15 14.04(5:22) 22.6(3:20) 232
  Total5 7:54:24 127.07(3:44) 204.5(2:19) 933
averages - weight:87.6kg

» now

Sunday Jun 7, 2015 #

7 PM

MTB 1:15:15 [3] 22.6 km (3:20 / km) +232m 3:10 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Inspired by Wawrinka;s win over Djokovic, headed out for a pleasant evening ride on the freshly refurbished mtb. Lovely evening but timed it well to avoid the crowds as they had mostly gone home to dinner. Legs pretty tired so didn't push it.

Saturday Jun 6, 2015 #


Saw the surgeon on Wednesday and he advises going the non-surgery route to start with. So got a cortisone shot to the side of the knee and will get a shot of Synvisc next week. Have also been fitted for a new pair of orthotics. The hope is that this will be sufficient to manage the knee. Otherwise, it will be necessary to do an arthroscopy to repair the meniscus.
6 AM

Cycling 3:04:04 [3] 81.2 km (2:16 / km)

Out early for a long ride. Had mapped out a nice route through Versailles and the Vallee de Chevreuse, then promptly forgot the map when I left home. Got about half way round, took a wrong turn and spent a good half hour lost (or rather misplaced) in the area behind Chevreuse. Asked a few locals how to get back to Versailles and it was a long way back. Then I remembered I had my Blackberry with me so looked up the map function and navigated my way back home okay. Added about 10km and half an hour to what I had planned so no real drama. Just a bit of a scramble to get showered and changed to take Freya to her ballet lesson when I returned. Feeling tired now ...

Friday Jun 5, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:16:08 [3] 32.8 km (2:19 / km) +296m 2:13 / km

Legs a bit tired after last night's exertions around Longchamp, but still decided to head out for a spin with the focus on keeping the legs turning over. Glorious morning for it - average temp of 19 deg during the ride according to Strava. Standard loop through Suresnes with a bit more tacked on at the start through the 16th Arr to get my legs going before hitting the Mt Valerien hill. Also found a short steep variant towards the end of the ride, which has a grade of 16% for part of it - really had to work at that! Nice way to start the day. Temperature headed to 32 deg today, so summer really here.

Thursday Jun 4, 2015 #

7 PM

Cycling 1:01:23 [3] 33.8 km (1:49 / km) +119m 1:47 / km

Summer arrived with a vengeance and it was 26 deg after work and nice and sunny. So took the road bike out for a spin around Longchamp with teh intention of jumping in with some fast folks and doing a bit of an interval session. Got that in spades as it was quite crowded down there adn there were several peletons whizzing around at various paces. Fell in with one group averaging around 45kph for the lap and managed to hang on for a couple of laps before being dropped up the hill. Cruised for a lap or two before jumping in with a peleton going at a more reasonable pace of around 35-38kph and stuck with hem for the rest of the ride. These peletons are around 20-30 strong and so one needs to keep one's wits about one. Crashes are quite common down there. Lots of carbon and testerone flying around down there ....

Tuesday Jun 2, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:17:34 [3] 34.1 km (2:16 / km) +286m 2:11 / km

Cool, grey windy morning for a solo ride around St Cloud, Sevres, Vaucresson. Got misplaced a few times and had to double back, but a good ride overall. Need to keep stretching back and hamstrings as lower back got quite sore after about 40 mins.

Monday Jun 1, 2015 #


Back to the weekly weigh-in. Some way to go, even after a big weekend of cycling.

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