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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Feb 24, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 3:23:30 24.81(8:12) 39.92(5:06) 183
  Total3 3:23:30 24.81(8:12) 39.92(5:06) 183
averages - sleep:7 weight:86.5kg

» now

Sunday Feb 24, 2013 #

1 PM

Running long 1:46:23 [3] 20.1 km (5:18 / km) +183m 5:04 / km
slept:8.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Didn't mean to run this far but took a new track in Parc de St Cloud and enjoyed it so much that I didn't realise I was heading to the far end of the park until it was too late and that it would be a long run home. Nevertheless, did okay, although it was a bit of a struggle from 15-18km back through Boulogne and the Bois. Finished up well though, but tired now. Lots of snow around, but none sticking. Bitterly cold.

Saturday Feb 23, 2013 #

2 PM

Running tempo 52:01 [4] 11.02 km (4:43 / km)
slept:9.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Bitterly cold day (-3 deg after lunch and flurries of snow) and took some strong self-talk to get out the door. After a couple of easy km to get going, really warmed to the task and set a solid tempo for the rest of the run. Lots of fun and felt surprisingly good. Must be the 9(!) hour sleep last night and the easy morning lazing around.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2013 #

1 PM

Running 45:06 [3] 8.8 km (5:07 / km)

Wasn't feeling it today. Felt pretty crap right from the start - heavy, tired and slow. Abandoned the plan to do 12-13km pretty early on and just blobbed around the Bois and headed back to work. Feeling quite disgruntled about it really, and so spendingeth afternoon sulking in my office.

Monday Feb 18, 2013 #


Monday weigh-in: 86.5kg. Nice to have resumed the downwards trajectory, even if only in small steps.

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