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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Oct 30, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 1:07:00 6.84(9:48) 11.0(6:05)
  Total2 1:07:00 6.84(9:48) 11.0(6:05)
averages - sleep:6.6 weight:84.5kg

» now

Sunday Oct 30, 2011 #

slept:8.0 (sick) (rest day)

Buggar. Have succumbed to the cold that Lisa and Freya have ha dthe last week. Not too bad as yet, but i have a tight chest and feeling tired and run down. Not surprising after the last week I have had at work. So, just rest and plenty of fluids for teh next few days.

Saturday Oct 29, 2011 #

10 AM

Running 37:00 [3] 6.0 km (6:10 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Good quick run in the Bois. Feeling a but heavy, but moving well enough.

Friday Oct 28, 2011 #

7 AM

Running 30:00 [2] 5.0 km (6:00 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Managed to get out for a quick run this morning. Been a tough week.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2011 #

slept:4.0 (rest day)

T-13. Another insane day at work, starting with a late night in the office and not getting to bed till 2am. Followed by an 8am high level breakfast meeting (at least breakfast was actually served), a full day of our Global Forum on Water, cocktail reception, and now back in the office until goodness knows when. Would like a decent night's sleep though. And some food would be good :-)

Monday Oct 24, 2011 #

slept:7.5 weight:84.5kg (rest day)

T-14. Rest day today. Verybusy work week coming up with multiple meetings and limited time to train.

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