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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending May 29, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 1:29:00 10.75(8:17) 17.3(5:09)
  VTT2 1:20:00
  Total4 2:49:00 10.75 17.3
averages - sleep:6.2 weight:86.3kg

» now

Sunday May 29, 2011 #

9 AM

Running (Sicily holiday) 37:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:17 / km)
slept:9.0 shoes: kayano 12.5

Easy run from villa down the hill to the sea, along the beach and then back up the hill to home. Not very inspiring running around here - just main roads to run on, although going long the firm beach sand for 1km was good fun. Interesting to see the local farms (lots of greenhouses growing everything from flowers to fruit) and teh local houses. Weather quite warm (26 deg) with no shade and so worked up a real sweat. Nice to cool off in the pool afterwards.

Great food down here in Sicily - lots of fresh fruit and veggies, esp onions, tomatoes, zucchini. Very nice people as well.

Saturday May 28, 2011 #

slept:8.0 (rest day)

Drove to Scicli in SE Sicily to take up residence for the week in our villa (complete with pool). Very nice house in a rural setting - harsh country very dry and scrubby, but with a view down to the sea. Lots of wildflowers out.

Friday May 27, 2011 #

slept:4.0 (rest day)

Fly to Sicily. Early start with a 7.30 flight (up at 5am!) but meant we got a good afternoon in Catania to explore.

Thursday May 26, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 50:00 [3]
slept:5.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Good ride in teh Bois. went over to St Cloud to see if they open the gates early but they do not. At least I rode up teh St Cloud hill, which was tough.

Tuesday May 24, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 30:00 [2]
slept:4.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Late night and didn't really feel like this. Had a puncture and so fixed that and cut it short.
1 PM

Running tempo 52:00 [4] 10.3 km (5:03 / km)
weight:86.3kg shoes: kayano 12.5

Tough run but managed to put in two tempo efforts each over 2km trying to stick to 7 mins per mile (4.20/km). First was in 8.43 (4.22, 4.21) and second in 9.12 (4.41, 4.31), slower as it was mostly uphill. Next tempo effort may be around the fitness track - no hills, same circuit, lots of turns, soft surface, around 2.2km.

Monday May 23, 2011 #

slept:7.0 (rest day)

rest day after a big training weekend.

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