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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Mar 15, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 1:21:00 9.94(8:09) 16.0(5:04)
  Orienteering2 1:10:50 5.1(13:54) 8.2(8:38)23 /26c88%
  Cycling1 1:08:00 21.75(3:08) 35.0(1:57)
  Total5 3:39:50 36.79(5:59) 59.2(3:43)23 /26c88%
averages - weight:86.4kg

» now

Sunday Mar 15, 2009 #

Orienteering race (Lipica Open Day 2) 37:49 [5] **** 3.8 km (9:57 / km)

Lipica Open Day 2. Won H50 and won 2 days overall. Another good race in fantastic terrain. Shame it wasn't longer as it was fantastic to run through such complex and beautiful country. Intense orienteering - very demanding and physical. Did well except for a big miss on control 9 which cost me 3 mins. The problem was running too hard with only a vague idea of where I was, letting the terrain push me off line. Then got to a major track where I couldn't re-locate quickly and then spent a bit of time going up the wrong spur after mis-identifying a depression. Was going really well up to that point and then lost focus. Re-grouped well though and finished strongly, with only a minor wobble on control 11 (20-30 secs). Picked off 5 ticks afterwards.

Saturday Mar 14, 2009 #

Event: Lippica Open

Orienteering race (Lipipca Open Day 1) 33:01 [5] **** 4.4 km (7:30 / km)

Day 1 of Lipica Open. Fantastic terrain. Had a very good race except for the second control where I lost 2 mins. Poor concentration and went in off the track too early, fiddled around on a parallel spur/stone wall. rest of race was excellent - felt strong, ran hard, read the map well, ticked things off as i ran straight line most of the way. Won 8 of 12 legs and won overall by nearly 4 mins. Very pleasing except for lapse early on. Seems to be a feature of my o-races - one poor control where i lose a lot of time. Also happened last week at the IDF Champs where i blew several controls in the middle of the course. Solution is not running too hard and maintaining focus on map.

Friday Mar 13, 2009 #

(rest day)

Travelled to Trieste to meet up with Ian. Had a walk around part of teh Lipica 1 map right next to the hotel. Cool area, but very rocky and green. Scored one tick.

Thursday Mar 12, 2009 #

(rest day)

taking it easy after great birthday dinner last night at the Spoon restaurant just off teh Champs Elysee ( ) . Seriously cool food and wine. Feeling a bit tired and hungover this morning. Will be doing lunch at another fine resto today. Need some stamina for this!

Wednesday Mar 11, 2009 #

Cycling tempo 1:08:00 [3] 35.0 km (1:57 / km)

Longchamp. First really nice day of the year - printemps has finally arrived. Big fast group whizzing around, averaging 35kph. Glorious day for a ride and hard to go back to the office.

Went to doc today to see about leg. tendonitis is the verdict and so will hit the anti-inflammatories and talk it easy on the run (except in Slovenia).

Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 #

Running hills 36:00 [3] * 7.0 km (5:09 / km)
(injured) shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Outside of right ankle quite sore now. Time to take a few days off before going to the Lipica Open in Slovenia. Seem to be able to run okay with no problem pushing off or running up hill. But there is a nagging pain a few cms above the ankle bone that is clearly not supposed to be there. So I have an appointment with the doc tomorrow morning to see what he says. In any case, I managed to get around a few hills today in Foret des Recloses, including 5 good steep climbs of about 1m30s each. Ankle fine going up the hill, hurt a bit coming down.

Monday Mar 9, 2009 #

Running (Easy run) 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km)
weight:86.6kg shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Crappy run. Round the Bois. First time in shorts for the year. Probably shouldn't have bothered, but was cross with self after yesterday's shocker run and felt the need to make some amends. Will also not get a chance to do much training this week due to work commitments. Right ankle sore and will need to go see doc. Also felt like I couldn't get a decent breath the whole run. Oh well ....

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