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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running6 4:12:03 30.7(8:13) 49.4(5:06)
  Swimming1 25:00
  Total7 4:37:03 30.7 49.4
averages - sleep:5.1

» now

Wednesday Oct 30, 2013 #

2 PM

Running 32:10 [2] 6.0 km (5:22 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

Snuck out for a quick run between meetings. Felt like crap, which was a shame given last weekend's good runs. Oh well, can't have a great run every day I guess...

Sunday Oct 27, 2013 #

8 AM

Running 59:45 [4] 12.1 km (4:56 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

A surprisingly excellent run after an early start to Sunday (we came off daylight saving overnight so everyone up nice and early). Started out thinking I would just do an easy jog around the block, but then started to feel good and decided to perhaps go a little longer. Then it started to pour down and I felt even better and started to crank it up and really got into it. Haven't run in rain as heavy as this for ages - really bucketed down. Really good fun splashing through puddles and feeling an unusual amount of camaraderie amongst the locals also running in such a deluge (the French do not normally make eye contact when on the run).

Saw "Gravity" last night. I don't know about its depiction of some of the technical aspects of life in space, but this was one of the best movies I have seen for ages. Really worth the effort and I will probably go and see it again.
11 AM

Swimming 25:00 [3]

Easy swim while Freya has her lesson.

Saturday Oct 26, 2013 #

9 AM

Running 48:08 [3] 9.9 km (4:52 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

Back in Paris and out for the first decent run in a while. Humid, warm morning for this time of year and sweated profusely. Feel like I have put on a ton of weight since the London City Race and am scared to go back on the scales :-). This run was okay, but right hip and knee still feeling sore. Stretching afterwards hopefully helped.

Wednesday Oct 23, 2013 #

7 PM

Running (Tel Aviv) 35:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:00 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

Tourist trot around the old town of Jaffa after a full day of meetings and the conference presentation. Lovely old town centred on a hill top around a bunch of excavations from 1200BC. Shame I didn't get a chance to have a bit more of a look around.

I see that Environment Minister Greg Hunt has announced that he is doing his climate science research on Wikipedia these days. Good to know he is on the cutting edge!

Tuesday Oct 22, 2013 #

7 AM

Running (Tel Aviv) 39:00 [3] 7.4 km (5:16 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

Off the overnight flight from Paris to Tel Aviv (5 hour flight - ugh) and decided to go straight out for a run from the hotel along the beachfront to the harbour of Jaffa. Nice and warm and muggy and took a dip in the pool afterwards. Good to get out although right knee and hip a bit sore.

Thursday Oct 17, 2013 #

1 PM

Running 38:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:26 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 19 (Sep 2013)

Tough run, with the reason why becoming obvious afterwards - a nasty cold took hold. This is hardly surprising after several weeks of travel and lousy sleep. In the past 4 weeks I have been in London, Istanbul, Portugal, Hungary, London (again), Oxford, Brussels. And off to Israel tomorrow night. Looking forward to the end of the year.

This was a very hard run, never getting above a jog and just feeling like shite the whole way. Hoped it would pick up, but nothing doing. It was raining as well, just to finish me off :-)

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