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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending Mar 31, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  run7 4:07:05 20.77(11:54) 33.43(7:23)
  orienteering2 3:26:22 11.58(17:50) 18.63(11:05)
  pilates2 2:00:00
  cricket1 1:30:00
  Total10 11:03:27 32.35 52.06

» now

Sunday Mar 28, 2010 #

orienteering 2:14:31 [3] 10.05 km (13:23 / km)

pretty darn shiza if u u ask me screwed up number 1 the worst of them all and screwed up a few others

Friday Mar 26, 2010 #

run 27:31 [3] 3.8 km (7:14 / km)

just a short easy one

Wednesday Mar 24, 2010 #

run 48:12 [3] 6.12 km (7:53 / km)

felt ok a few little stuff ups and thats it

Tuesday Mar 23, 2010 #

run 1:01:23 [3] 9.2 km (6:40 / km)

Just got droped off at belmont and ran home from there. felt realy realy good. got new shoes which could be the reason behind the goodness.

pilates 1:00:00 [3]

felt pretty good. did a few new things

Monday Mar 22, 2010 #

run 35:51 [3] 3.9 km (9:12 / km)

just an easy one because i am planing on doing a longer one tomorow

Sunday Mar 21, 2010 #

orienteering (long orange) 46:11 [3] 5.32 km (8:41 / km)

felt pretty good. no mistakes which was good. not realy a fan of the only orange courses though.

BTW i have been training but just not loging it because of exams and stuff

orienteering (short orange) 25:40 [3] 3.26 km (7:52 / km)

felt heaps better that the first run. decided that because they were only orange courses that i should probly do both. a few similar controls which probly made me a bit faster

Thursday Mar 11, 2010 #

run 29:03 [3] 4.01 km (7:15 / km)

felt really really bad, not sure why though. nothing speical happened

Tuesday Mar 9, 2010 #

run 19:23 [3] 2.7 km (7:11 / km)

felt ok just ran to the gym wasnt that great

pilates 1:00:00 [3]

felt pretty good didn't cramp up at all which was good. lots of stength stuff

Monday Mar 8, 2010 #

run 25:42 [3] 3.7 km (6:57 / km)

just ran home from swansea after close to 3 straight hours of maths. felt pretty good got the fastest though.

Saturday Mar 6, 2010 #

cricket 1:30:00 [3]

i would like to announce that we won and got through to the grand final next weekend.

however this is not he case and you will all have the company of me for both day's of orienteering next weekend.

pretty much had a shit game. got out for a duck and bowled pretty ordinary

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