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Training Log Archive: ebuckley

In the 7 days ending Sep 18, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling6 7:39:00
  Terrain3 3:16:00
  Total9 10:55:00
averages - weight:164lbs

» now

Sunday Sep 18, 2011 #


Yup. I'm sick. And we've got production problems. And Kate is out of town. And Yaya is bored because I'm tied up on conference calls instead of playing with her. Happy days.

Saturday Sep 17, 2011 #

9 AM

Terrain (Grass) 40:00 [2] **
shoes: Sabino TR

Everything went in OK last night, but we still have to run all the jobs. Got in a quick run on the powerline while Yaya was at Basketball. Might be getting sick - great way to start a weekend where I probably won't get much sleep. At least the toe and knee are feeling OK.

Friday Sep 16, 2011 #

6 AM

Terrain (Grass) 1:17:00 [2] **
shoes: Sabino TR

Electric Duck plus a bit at a very easy pace. Work from home day as tonight begins the big install.
11 AM

Cycling (Road) 45:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

Rode a few errands at lunchtime.
4 PM

Cycling (Road) 2:07:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

Yaya decided to hang with the neighbor kids after school, so I got in a nice ride. Last chance I'll get for a few days, no doubt.

Thursday Sep 15, 2011 #

5 AM

Cycling (Road) 1:02:00 [2]
weight:164lbs shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

In to work via Forest Park.
3 PM

Cycling (Road) 1:11:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

Home via a very direct route because I had to watch Yaya this afternoon.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2011 #

(rest day)

Knee is feeling better, but now I've got a toe that's all jacked up. No idea how it happened, but the nail bed on the fourth toe is really in trouble. As I'm a supinator, I can't ignore that. Pulled out the nail. Hopefully, the bed will heal quickly (usually does once the nail is gone). Good day to take off, anyway. Rained from 3AM to 7PM.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2011 #

5 AM

Cycling (Road) 1:00:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

In to work via Forest Park. Knee is complaining just a bit; I guess no running for a few more days. Definitely need to take some time off after UROC, but I think I will be able to run the race.

Registered for Boston 2012.
4 PM

Cycling (Road) 1:34:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Cannondale Road

Another long day at work. Put a little pressure on the pedals coming home.

Monday Sep 12, 2011 #

5 PM

Terrain (Grass) 1:19:00 [2] **
shoes: Sabino TR

Electric Duck. Prety sluggish for the first half hour, then fine. Knee didn't hurt. By the time I got back, Kate and Yaya had returned from their haircuts and Yaya wanted me to run along with her while she scootered, so I got in an extra mile or so.

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