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Training Log Archive: ebuckley

In the 7 days ending May 15, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling7 9:59:00
  Mapping1 1:45:00
  Terrain2 37:00
  Swimming1 30:00
  Gym1 18:00
  Total10 13:09:00
averages - weight:169lbs

» now

Sunday May 15, 2011 #

11 AM

Cycling (Road) 2:07:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

More rain, though today's version was just a series of light showers that kept the roads wet but didn't really soak you. I expected worse, so I was decked out in my waterproof gear. As such, I was considerably warmer than I needed to be.

Crossing the Missouri, I noticed it is up a couple feet from last week. If Swampfox's reports from the headwaters regarding snow and glacial activity are correct, we could be in for one whomper of a late crest this year. Those who claim to know (a claim that should always be viewed with skepticism) say it's been several thousand years since the river made it to my doorstep, but if this weather keeps up, I may regret moving from Richmond Heights.
2 PM


After the ride and a light lunch, I took Yaya to Powder Valley for a hike. She griped a bit about the rain at first, but then pulled herself together quite nicely. We ended up having a pretty good time. Still haven't figured out how to make her move fast, but at least she's willing to move under her own power, which puts her one-up on a lot of kids I know.

Saturday May 14, 2011 #

3 PM

Swimming (Pool) 30:00 [2] *
(rest day)

More friggin rain! Oh, well, today was supposed to be easy anyway. A relatively new addition to the list of long-term goals is to do a full-length Ironman, probably after I turn 50. Seems like 2 years should be enough time to get my swimming in order. That is, if I can actually stick with it. I have a rather dismal track record with that. No time like the present to start - just did some easy laps (probably around 1200 yards, but I wasn't counting) to get used to the water again.

Terrain (Grass) 27:00 [2] **

Then splashed around with Yaya for a bit and when we left, I forgot my goggles. So, I ran back barefoot on the powerline. 50F and rain is a bit colder than I'd recommend for that activity. The bottoms of my feet were completely white when I finished. Feeling came back after about 10 minutes so no damage done - might have actually helped the heel a bit. Fun to run again. Legs feel great, but I still think I'll take another few days before restarting the run workouts to give the heel some more time.

Friday May 13, 2011 #

6 AM

Cycling (Road) 1:23:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Another work from home day, so another morning spin on the flood plain. Recovery may be going better than I perceived. These are still easy workouts, but at least the they are my normal easy and not the super easy recovery pace. The legs seem to have some spring in them. I won't know for sure until I start running again, and I'd like to hold off on that for a few more days for the sake of my left foot (which is also feeling better).
12 PM

Gym (Weights) 18:00 [3]

Two years of focus on marathon training have left my upper body so depleted that even the slightest bump knocks something out of joint. So, I'm reluctantly going to start lifting again. Went real light today since it's been so long.
4 PM

Cycling (Road) 1:40:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Spent a while debating whether I'd be more depressed looking out the window at the rain or riding in it. It's not that I really mind bad weather riding; I'm just really, really, sick of it raining all the time. Anyway, got out when it was just light sprinkles and, amazingly enough, it stopped! Turned out to be a very pleasant ride around West County.

Thursday May 12, 2011 #

6 AM

Cycling (Road) 1:03:00 [2]
weight:169lbs shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Working from home today, but with the afternoon prediction looking unpleasant, I decided to get in an early morning spin. G is being a bit stubborn, which means I probably did gain a little weight just before the marathon. 2 pounds extra at Kettle equates to a mile linear with a 200' climb. I'll have to remember that when I'm a mile from the finish.

Terrain (Woods) 10:00 [2] ***

While I was at it, I stashed the bike and took a quick jog around a section of CC Lake that I was debating whether to map. It's a small area, and it looked pretty bland from the photos. Both of those are still true, but there is enough detail to put a control or two in there and it might be helpful in course setting, so I'll go ahead and map it.
3 PM

Cycling (Road) 1:56:00 [2]
shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Well, it did get warm, but it was still pretty nice, so I got in some more riding. Crossed the Missouri which looked pretty high to me. I was surprised to see that Bangert Island is open. Didn't have time to do a lap; maybe this weekend.

Wednesday May 11, 2011 #

4 PM

Mapping (Woods) 1:45:00 [1] ***
(rest day) shoes: Salomon XA

More work on the CC Lake map. Really cool area, too bad only Blue and Red will get up this far.

Tuesday May 10, 2011 #

5 PM

Cycling (Road) 1:05:00 [2]
(rest day) shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Easy spin through Bridgeton. Even though it's only a few miles north of me, it's the first time I've been up there since the tornado came through. Damn. And this wasn't even the area that got the worst of it. I'm not a gawker by nature, but it certainly got my attention.

Monday May 9, 2011 #

7 PM

Cycling (Road) 45:00 [2]
(rest day) shoes: Bike:Felt CX SS

Another easy spin around CC Lake. Legs are trash, can't believe 3 miles at marathon pace did that to me. I guess there's something to this recovery thing.

A more serious problem is what's going on with my left foot. The pf is under control (though still not completely gone), but something else is very wrong. Feels like a twisted ankle. I have no idea when that could have happened. No visible swelling and I can walk without a limp. I'm not sure I'd call it pain as much as just a sensation that things aren't right. I hadn't planned on running for another week, so it's not a problem yet, but it's just a bit weird that this type of symptom would surface without a really obvious cause.

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