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Training Log Archive: ebuckley

In the 7 days ending Aug 15, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Terrain1 7:58:30 28.5(16:47) 45.87(10:26)
  Running4 1:58:00
  Other1 15:00
  Total6 10:11:30 28.5 45.87
averages - weight:170lbs

» now

Sunday Aug 15, 2010 #

5 PM

Running (Road) 32:00 [1]
(injured) shoes: 2140 White

Yahoo! Actually found a moderately comfortable position to sleep in last night and got five straight hours. Best since the crash and has me in a much better mood. I think being just a bit tired physically helped, too.

Went for an easy walk in the afternoon.

Saturday Aug 14, 2010 #

7 AM

Terrain (Trail) 7:58:30 [2] 28.5 mi (16:47 / mi)
(injured) shoes: Salomon XA

Howl at the Moon 8-Hour, stayed in the running division, but I walked almost all of it. I won't diginify this by calling it a race, but walking briskly for 8 hours was harder than I expected. I'd estimate my HR was above 90 for almost all of it and probably above 100 for fair stretches. Wore the sling the whole way which I think was a good call, despite the heat. Had to jog just a little bit at the end to get the last lap in before the time limit.

As ultrarunners are notoriously bad pacers and the heat was fairly severe, I was passing more people than passed me for the second half of the race. Of course, they were ahead on laps, but it was still nice to be keeping up. Finished near the bottom obviously, but I know I wasn't last, so that's something.

Since I don't believe in mixing pain medication and exercise, I had to go without the former. By midday the pain in my ribs was very noticable, but it didn't get any worse and it was just the normal, "Hey, we're busted down here" as opposed to, "Stop you idiot, you're making this worse." Actually managed to get through the post race festivities and the drive back to Champaign before taking any meds.

Friday Aug 13, 2010 #


Drove to Champaign late afternoon. Longest stretch in a car since the accident. Felt OK.

Thursday Aug 12, 2010 #

weight:170lbs (injured)

No idea if any the G value contains any useful information. Inflammation has been dropping rapidly this week (I was in the mid-180's a few days ago) and I don't know how much is left.

Feeling pretty good today, but it was so hot I skipped the midday walk. After work it was time get in the aborted trip to India Palace that was supposed to happen on my birthday. Back home we watched the finale of So You Think You Can Dance while drinking Dom Chandon Rose Brut, then watched Project Runway while eating an absurdly rich brownie I baked. Just the right mix of camp and quality.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2010 #

11 AM

Running (Road) 30:00 [1]

Spurred by a surprising amount of unsolicited advice, I went for a walk at lunchtime. Good news is that I don't have to have my arm in a sling anymore (though I still can't carry anything with it). Bad news is that the ribs are still barking big time.
7 PM

Running (Road) 42:00 [1]
(injured) shoes: 2140 White

By evening, my ribs were feeling better, so I went for another walk. Put a bit of pace on it this time. Still definitely walking, but a full three miles at under 15/mi is encouraging. After that, I decided to try out a variant of Bill's advice. I had no French sparkling chilled, but a perfectly good Cava was at the appropriate temperature, so Kate & I split that along with a tripple cream goat brie.

Tuesday Aug 10, 2010 #


Seemed to slip back a bit today, or maybe I just took less ibuprofen. Either way, I was hurting.

Monday Aug 9, 2010 #

4 PM

Running (Road) 14:00 [1]

Walking the mile home from the store with about 10 pounds of groceries. I do this several times a week and don't think much of it. However, I forgot that, since I couldn't carry anything in my right arm, my right obliques would have to be pulling the whole way home to balance the load. As there are four broken ribs under said muscles, it made for a good HTFU session.
7 PM

Other (Lawn) 15:00 [1]

Front only. Once I got the mower started (EZ Pull my ass), it didn't suck any worse than I expected it to, which is to say it was the mental equivalent of a moderately hard workout on a day you really don't feel like going at all. And, as with such workouts, when it was done, I was glad to have done it just to prove that the body is quite capable of doing things that the brain would rather not.

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