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Training Log Archive: ebuckley

In the 7 days ending Feb 17, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 3:40:00
  Terrain2 1:45:00
  Orienteering1 41:52 2.67(15:40) 4.3(9:44) 15514c
  Skating1 25:00
  Total6 6:31:52 2.67 4.3 15514c
averages - weight:166lbs

» now

Sunday Feb 17, 2008 #

Running (Road) 45:00 [2]

Easy jog round the hood.

I've had a nagging problem with the hamstrings (both) just below the upper attachment point. Not sure why it won't go away, but today it's particularly bad. I may just have to take some time off. Bummer. If it's not better by Tuesday, Arizona is off.

Saturday Feb 16, 2008 #

Terrain (Trail) 30:00 [2]

Warmup running the perimiter trail.

Orienteering race (Woods) 41:52 [3] *** 4.3 km (9:44 / km) +155m 8:15 / km

SLOC Red course at Cliff Cave (1:7500). A very credible effort by Jeff Sona in his first go as course setter. Run as a Motala. Bill Langton hung with me to the first control but then dropped back going up the steep hill to 2. I was alone after that. I wasn't feeling particularly speedy, and I did have one error that was probably close to 2 minutes, but I certainly didn't expect David to take 4 minutes out of me (he was on the other loop). I guess one needs at least a little sleep to compete well. Hopefully, I'll get some this week. On the up side, it's nice to have David back in form; it will make the local meets a lot more interesting.

Terrain (Trail) 29:00 [2]

Ran the perimeter loop again, this time with Bill. We talked about work, which is a good way to spoil an activity, but it was actually an enjoyable conversation.

Friday Feb 15, 2008 #

Running (Road) 22:00 [2]

In to work. Took the early (4:58) bus, so no need to sprint over to the other Metro line.

Terrain (Mix) 46:00 [2]

Back home. Got off the bus at the JCCA and ran the powerline which was infinitely more satisfying than plodding along Olive.

Thursday Feb 14, 2008 #

Running (Road) 23:00 [2]

In to work via the bus and Metro. Took the 6:00 bus, which always gets to Delmar just as the Metro is leaving, so I tried getting off at Skinker and sprinting over to the other line to get the Metro at Wash U. It worked (barely, about a minute of slack) and got me to Grand five minutes quicker than if I had picked up the next one at Delmar.

Running (Road) 1:21:00 [2]

From work to Clayton to get brownies at Straub's. Very interesting run, bordering on surreal. I'll write about it in my blog later tonight.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2008 #

Skating (Ice) 25:00 [3]

Today was the day to take the project team out for beers and appetizers, so I drove Kate's car in to work.

Yaya continues to improve in skating, but her feet are getting too big for her skates, so she wanted to take longer breaks between laps. That let me get in a bit more time, depsite getting to the rink a bit late and only having the last 45 minutes of the session.

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008 #

Running (Road) 23:00 [2]

In to work via Bus and Metro.

Running (Road) 26:00 [2]

And back. Keep getting hit with issues just as I'm about to leave for the day and end up staying at work a couple more hours.

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