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Training Log Archive: ebuckley

In the 7 days ending Oct 15, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 6:06:00 26.2 42.17
  Cycling2 4:56:00
  Paddling1 52:00
  Total6 11:54:00 26.2 42.17
averages - weight:177.6lbs

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Sunday Oct 15, 2006 #

Running (Mix) 3:34:00 [2] 26.2 mi (8:10 / mi)

To Frontier Park via the Katy Trail and back with a little extra at CC Lake to bring the mileage up to 26. The .2 was a lap around the high school track (in 103 seconds) on the way back to see how 6:52 pace felt after 25 miles. It felt fine, although I imagine it will feel a lot different after I've done 100 such laps.

Pace is a little quicker than I usually do my long runs (actually my 2nd-fastest marathon ever), but the cold weather had me feeling chipper - 35F at the 6AM start, I did bust out the gloves.

Saturday Oct 14, 2006 #

Cycling (Road) 3:37:00 [2]

We all went to Illinois for a kid outing at a pumpkin patch and lunch at a friend's house. I rode back, which would have been fun if there hadn't been a gale-force wind blowing out of the west. Grinding along in the small ring got old after an hour or so. I did enjoy riding through downtown St. Louis. Now that I'm living out in the burbs, I don't get as many chances for urban riding.

Friday Oct 13, 2006 #

Running (Road) 1:02:00 [3]

Includes 4@26. Finally got in the tempo run this evening. It was cold enough that my hands started hurting! Will I really need to bust out gloves in October?

Thursday Oct 12, 2006 #


Well, our near-death boxer became our dead boxer today. Not a surprise; she's been going downhill pretty fast since having a stroke a month ago. Seemed like getting in a workout wasn't much of a priority.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2006 #

Paddling (Kayak) 52:00 [2]

Hands finally felt good enough to give paddling a try. Chilly morning paddle at CC Lake.


I was supposed to do a tempo run this evening. So about 4PM I'm thinking, "I should knock off now, get the run out of the way, and then work my last hour this evening after Baby-O goes to bed." Just as that thought passes through my head, the phone rings. It's mama. Baby-O has wiped shit all over the walls of her bedroom and between that and tending to our near-death dog Daizy, there's more than one raw nerve that needs the soothing balm of shopping at Target. So I walk home because Kate dropped me off at work today and then take over caretaking of the kid and the boxer (healthy Lu-Dog continues mope at her neglect). I take Daizy for a walk with Baby-O in tow and just as we are the farthest from the house, it starts to rain. I try to get both of them to pick up the pace, but Daizy is in no shape to move quick and Baby-O trips on the first curb she encounters. By the time we're back home, Daizy is tired enough that she'll sleep for a while, but Baby-O is in tears and only the promise of pizza placates her. Naturally, that's followed by a brownie sundae. I get back home about the same time as mama and after we get Baby-O's sheets out of the dryer and her off to bed, we decide that maybe a bottle of wine is in order.

So the short story is that the tempo run will have to wait.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2006 #


Started taking NSAID's since it appears the inflammation won't go away on its own. In Alton again, so I went for another walk at lunch. This time I wandered around the marina and then headed up river for about a mile.

Running (Trail) 1:30:00 [3]

Pere Marquette course plus a little extra to get the time up to 90 minutes. Ran the hills (yes, even #4) at moderate tempo. Really easy the rest of the way.

Monday Oct 9, 2006 #


Lots of inflamation. Would have liked to do an easy jog at lunch, but I'm in Alton today. Walked along the levy from downtown to the locks and back (about 4 miles).

Cycling (Road) 1:19:00 [2]

Easy spin around CC Lake after work. 55" gear. After dinner I did some more walking with Baby-O and Lu-Dog.

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