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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 28 days ending Feb 28, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Touch11 7:25:00
  Running10 6:16:00 33.9 54.55 400
  Road Bike4 4:18:00 71.08(3:38) 114.4(2:15) 700
  Orienteering5 2:30:11 17.45(8:36) 28.09(5:21)10 /11c90%
  Total21 20:29:11 122.43 197.04 110010 /11c90%

» now

Saturday Feb 28, 2009 #

Orienteering race (SRF) 37:33 [5] 6.21 km (6:03 / km)
ahr:172 max:185 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Orienteering race at Stromlo Running Festival. Bloody hot. Started ok on the first loop, running quite well with only a few mistakes. Started to slow on the second loop and by the last I was just trying to stay upright.
After really struggling in the heat in QLD last year and this weekend decided I really gotta try a few things if I wanna have any chance of running like normal in the heat... seems I have lost all resistance to the heat since living in Tassie.

Running 15:00 [2]

Warming up and cooling down.

Friday Feb 27, 2009 #

Running 25:00 [2] 4.8 km (5:12 / km)
ahr:136 max:159 shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Eventually got around to an easy run along Howrah beaches with Emma before touch. Legs feeling pretty dead today for some reason, and lacking a bit of energy after a bad nights sleep... but I think the run did the job.

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mens. Won but line attack sucked. Defended in centres for a lot of the game for a link... sleep deprived.

Thursday Feb 26, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mixed. Good to be winning again, pity its too late to make finals..

Wednesday Feb 25, 2009 #

Orienteering race 24:56 [5] 6.4 km (3:54 / km)
ahr:171 max:182 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer II

Twilight at Howrah. Longer course this week, and actually had to read the map a bit too. Few weird control placements (like inside a little kiddies day care playground) which was something different for a change I guess.
Still feeling a bit shit, dont have my energy back from the weekend yet and bit of tightness in the groin. Felt flat running, especially through the last third of the course, but finished it off alright.

Running (Tour) 57:30 intensity: (10:00 @1) + (10:00 @2) + (27:30 @3) + (5:00 @4) + (5:00 @5) 8.95 km (6:25 / km)
ahr:144 max:181 shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Bloody awesome tour down at 5 mile. Nick seemed to think he was fit this week and decided to increase the pace very early on numerous occasions which was annoying, and Patrick's ego went along with it most of the time which left Louis and myself lagging behind. Some pretty good legs in the terrain and interesting ladies legs, pity there weren't more people there to enjoy it.. Forgot to finish up at a chip shop again tho... dammit.

Monday Feb 23, 2009 #

Running 25:00 [2] 5.6 km (4:28 / km)
ahr:146 max:168 shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Squeezed a run in between uni and picking Emma up, just an easy one to see how everything was feeling. Everything just about better, but not quite 100% yet. Will try a normal session tomorrow.

Saturday Feb 21, 2009 #

Running 18:30 [2] 3.9 km (4:45 / km)
ahr:146 max:160 (injured) shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Short run in the arvo to test out the muscles before the race tomorrow. Didn't warm up as much as I thought it would, which made it tight and sore still. Not able to open up fully, which resulted in about 75% pace. Will probably give tomorrow a miss since I would prefer to be healthy for next weekend instead of smashing myself tomorrow just to make it worse. Patty will do a better job of making Team Tummy proud anyway.

Friday Feb 20, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mens. Wet game. Slipped in the first 5 minutes and pulled something in the groin. Bloody sore afterwards.
Missed the planned ride in the arvo.

Thursday Feb 19, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mixed. Good game, although they were the bottom team.

Wednesday Feb 18, 2009 #

Orienteering race 17:30 [5] 4.48 km (3:54 / km)
ahr:168 max:178 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer II

Twilight at Howrah. Probably one of the easier courses at Howrah, so was just a case going full on all the way round. Was quite surprised at my speed through the first half on the course considering the lack of speed training. Got a bit lazy through the second half tho. Again felt the legs were lacking a bit of strength and power. Had a lower ave hr than I usually do during a race like this as well... Hopefully will build up the pace a bit more over the next few weeks.

Running (Tour) 59:00 intensity: (10:00 @1) + (15:00 @2) + (30:00 @3) + (4:00 @5) 7.9 km (7:28 / km) +400m 5:58 / km
ahr:138 max:183 shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Tour at Knocklofty. Slightly better turn out this week with the DAWG, Patty, Nicko, Emma, Brea and myself showing up. Bastard of a course set by Patrick that involved lots of running up big hills, which my legs certainly weren't enjoying. Didn't do much warm up or cool down at twilight which didnt help.
Patrick improved on his map reading ability by not running with a map tonight and just following everyone... although his following ability must also be lacking since he managed to follow Louis the wrong way up a street. Brea and Emma didn't perform much better, since they cheated on their lady legs. So that leaves Nicko and myself as the only stars of the night... but Nicko was wearing skins so that rules him out which leaves...

Tuesday Feb 17, 2009 #

Road Bike 30:00 [2] 11.8 km (2:33 / km)
shoes: Ridley Orion

Quick ride with Emma after work and before training. Did a loop down round lauderdale. Good fun. Windy but.

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mens training. Long one tonight (nearly hour n half) doing a billion drills and re-learning patterns. RIbs still a bit sore.

Monday Feb 16, 2009 #

Running hills 1:15:00 intensity: (32:00 @1) + (15:00 @2) + (20:00 @3) + (8:00 @5) 11.0 km (6:49 / km)
shoes: Brooks T4 Racer II

8 x 1 min (2 min) hills at Rosny with Patty. Been a while since I've done hills properly, but will hopefully get a consistent session going. The first session after a break is always interesting, as I find out what I'm really lacking.. and at the moment it's certainly strong legs. Didn't have any grunt at all in the legs to push harder. Still ran them surprisingly well, getting consistently between the tree line and the ditch, with the first and last being well past the ditch.
25' warm up since I got there early and extended cool down to jog through some areas that would make a fascinating map.

Sunday Feb 15, 2009 #

Orienteering 40:00 intensity: (10:00 @1) + (10:00 @2) + (20:00 @4) 6.0 km (6:40 / km)
shoes: Adidas Neptunes

O intervals at pittwater with Patrick. About 6 reps of 4 controls. No big issues, although wasn't exactly concentrating the hardest. Had real problems with my chest near the end and after.. Ribs seem to be getting more painful after a week.
Garmin was dead even tho it was fully charged last night.. Think it's on its last legs.

Saturday Feb 14, 2009 #

Road Bike 2:38:00 [3] 70.6 km (2:14 / km) +700m 2:08 / km
shoes: Ridley Orion

Ride from home with Timmy out to Carlton Beach for a bbq at Bryony's shack, then back home again with a detour between Sorell and Midway Point. Mostly a very nice ride, with the one exception being the couple of km stretch of highway out of Sorell thats very narrow and a little nervous at times with stupid Tasmanian drivers and thick rental car drivers.
Legs felt the lack of riding recently over the last few kms.

Friday Feb 13, 2009 #

Road Bike 35:00 [3] 18.0 km (1:57 / km)
shoes: Ridley Orion

Had an hour before touch so went for a short ride from home around lauderdale and seven mile.

Touch 40:00 [3]


Thursday Feb 12, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mixed. Still lost but was a much better game. Legs were a bit dead tonight tho, really should gone for that ride this morning.

Wednesday Feb 11, 2009 #

Orienteering race 30:12 intensity: (10:00 @1) + (20:12 @4) 5.0 km (6:02 / km)
spiked:10/11c shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Summer Series at Stringy Bark. Actually felt much better running than I was expecting, toe didn't cause too many problems and pulled up ok. Apart from going to 2 before 1 pretty happy with everything.

Running 30:00 [3] 6.1 km (4:55 / km)
ahr:152 max:180 shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

First half of tour at Howrah. Reasonably exciting route set by patrick, pity there wasn't a big turnout to enjoy it. Will have to head back there again soon as it's a good place for it. Took the moral high ground early after Nicko and Patty took the easy and wrong option of the path instead of between the bushes. Cut it off half way and ran back to the cars to get to Jose Gonzalez on time.

Tuesday Feb 10, 2009 #

Touch 45:00 [3]

Mens training.

Foot felt ok again today, so bandaged it up with blister pads and gave it a shot. Not too bad, but a little sore again afterwards. Should be alright with running tomorrow.

Saturday Feb 7, 2009 #


Could barely walk on the left foot today... and other things were starting to hurt by the end of the day thanks to a strange walking style.

Spent the day eating, drinking or shopping since it was Emma's birthday.

Friday Feb 6, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]


Toe is bloody sore with some weird blister thing..

Thursday Feb 5, 2009 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mixed. Crap

Wednesday Feb 4, 2009 #

Road Bike 35:00 [2] 14.0 km (2:30 / km)
shoes: Ridley Orion

Short morning ride with Emma before she had to work.... was far too early.

Running 41:00 intensity: (14:00 @2) + (22:00 @3) + (5:00 @4) 6.3 km (6:30 / km)
shoes: Brooks Cascadia II

Tour at Mt Nelson. Pretty big turn out of 7 in the end... wasn't the most exciting route ever, but did the job. Surprisingly Patty must have learnt to read a map during the week, and didn't make any stupid mistakes at track junctions... however all that effort he put into concentrating on running along the right track brought down his dirtiness on the single tracks and he was easily outclassed.

Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 #

Running 30:00 [2]

Short run before training.. forgot the garmin which is becoming the norm these days...

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mens training

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