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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Jan 4, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 1:28:00 3.11 5.0
  Squash1 1:00:00
  gym machines1 1:00:00
  core 1 1:00:00
  Total5 4:28:00 3.11 5.0

» now

Saturday Jan 4, 2014 #

Running 45:00 [3]

"Easy" road run with The Runs. Not sure why but I found it tough even though it was a much shorter run. Guess I just wasn't feeling it today.

Friday Jan 3, 2014 #

gym machines 1:00:00 [4]

Note to self think next time before telling Paul I am going to the gym, lol! Was suppose to meet me there at 8 but didn't show so I started on the bike for a good 20 minutes. Next up the stair climber and I was about 10 minutes into it when he came smiling through the doors. I knew then it was going to be hell. Changed stair climbers to harder one?? and he made me do it at a faster and higher intensity, it wasn't pretty. Ended it on the elliptical bike for 10 minutes I think, because at that point I just wanted to die. Overall a great workout and a better one then the one I had planned for myself.

Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 #

Running 43:00 [2] 5.0 km (8:36 / km)

Resolution Run, first race of 2014. Nearly bailed on it since I wasn't feeling that great which may be due to a touch of the flu or a wee bit too much too drink the night before. I am going with the flu. Ran it with Lory so I got it done and over with and glad that I did.

Monday Dec 30, 2013 #

core 1:00:00 [3]

Last workout for 2013 :) Did some core, stupid planks, and damn box then some time on the bike. Been a good year for me, actually the best workout year I have ever had in my entire life! Did I enjoy every minute of it? Hell no but the good times far out weighed the time at the dreaded track and Altona hill repeats. In just under a year I have completed two try a tri's, one open water swim, two 10k races and five 5k races. I would not have been able to do any of this if it weren't for Paul and his ability to make me, sometimes force me, to do things I didn't think I was able to do. So thank you Paul and thank you Runs for your continued support. Love you guys!

Sunday Dec 29, 2013 #

Squash 1:00:00 [1]

Played a game of squash with Fawn and knew I was in trouble when she served and I heard that nice pop off the racket and the ball hit the wall. Let me tell ya, Fawn can move fast!!! Got the heart rate up a few times when we got some nice rally's going. Who wants to play a game with me?

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