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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Sep 7, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  5lb weights for arms1 45:00 6.84(6:35) 11.0(4:05)
  Running1 45:00 3.73(12:04) 6.0(7:30)
  Total2 1:30:00 10.56(8:31) 17.0(5:18)

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Wednesday Sep 4, 2013 #

Running 45:00 [3] 6.0 km (7:30 / km)

True story....I ran 6k on my own today! Had to run in my trail shoes since I got rid of my running shoes after Mud Hero so my feet are not very pleased with me right now. I think I am also losing a toe nail so does that mean I am officially a runner now, lol! Off to buy a pair of running shoes now, sorry Jamie...

Tuesday Sep 3, 2013 #

5lb weights for arms 45:00 [2] 11.0 km (4:05 / km)

First bike ride since my triathlon and my quads are feeling it. Also my calf wanted to start cramping up on me but it didn't last too long. I am not pleased at all with the time it took me to cover this distance so I will be working on improving it. Beautiful and empty along waterfront with a nice breeze.

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