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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Jun 22, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  swimming2 2:00:00 1.3(1:31:58) 2.1(57:09)
  Trail run1 1:00:00 5.0(12:00) 8.05(7:27)
  Running1 1:00:00 3.73(16:06) 6.0(10:00)
  5lb weights for arms1 30:00 3.73(8:03) 6.0(5:00)
  Total5 4:30:00 13.76(19:37) 22.15(12:11)

» now

Thursday Jun 20, 2013 #

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.1 km (54:33 / km)

Pool was super crowded and had a lot of interference from other swimmers. Got my lengths in and didn't really break at all since there was no one to talk with. Paul and Grace had the same problem in their lane with lots of swimmers. Boy can they swim! It is amazing to watch how smooth and effortless they make it look.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2013 #

Trail run 1:00:00 [2] 5.0 mi (12:00 / mi)

Paul wasn't there so I took the group along Fat Man's Misery and I was hoping to end at the top of Can't Do It hill but either we didn't go far enough or we missed it. Once I saw those big boulders where we took pictures before I thought we had gone too far so I had everyone turn around and go back. Plus Julia kept saying "let's just turn around", "are we lost", "why couldn't Paul be here to lead us"...Thanks for the vote of confidence Julia, lol! No one got lost on my watch but Judy struck again and this time it was poor Natalie. So young and so innocent. We feel your pain Natalie, we feel your pain.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2013 #

6 PM

5lb weights for arms 30:00 [2] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)

A little brick work with girls before Grace goes for her swim. 6k along the waterfront. First time on bike since triathlon and boy was it so much easier to ride when I don't have a swim before hand, lol!

Monday Jun 17, 2013 #

7 PM

Running 1:00:00 [3] 6.0 km (10:00 / km)

We were suppose to do some hill repeats tonight but we only got one in and Paul switched it up for us. I couldn't have been happier! Hill repeats and heat don't sit well with me at all. I think the others also felt the same way. Okay here is a news flash, I told Paul I would rather do trail runs with stair repeats then hill repeats. At least the stairs in the trails are in shade and their is a bench to sit on halfway up and then another bench at the top which I will make good use of, lol!

Sunday Jun 16, 2013 #

swimming 1:00:00 [1] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

Swimming at the pool with the girls. Grace swam with Paul and they did quite well with the pace and distance they covered. I know they will both do well at the open water swim coming up.

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